Call the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) at 503-988-3646 or email, for 24-hour information and assistance to seniors (older people), people with disabilities, and caregivers. Or search the ADRC online database.

To enjoy your life to the fullest, regular nutritious meals are essential. In Oregon, we value senior members of our community and we don’t want you to worry about where your next meal will come from. We are here to help with SNAP applications and navigating some of these other resources.
Nutrition programs, like SNAP, Meals on Wheels and the Senior Farm Direct Nutrition Program can help you get the food you need to support your health and help to make ends meet.
SNAP (food stamps)
SNAP is the first defense against hunger for individuals and families, including those 60+ and living with disabilities.
SNAP eligibility is primarily based on income, but some other factors may be considered as well.
The income you save by using SNAP can help you save money for other financial necessities, like transportation, housing or medical expenses.
How to apply
- Connect with the ADRC Helpline by phone (503.988.3646) or email ( for 24-hour information and assistance to seniors, people with disabilities, and caregivers.
- Apply online
- Complete a paper application and return it by mail, fax, email, or in-person
- Call ODHS (800-699-9075) to get one mailed to your home
- Available as a PDF to complete on a computer or to print. Find the PDF of the application in various languages and with some large print options here.
- If you are 60+ yrs old or living with an SSI/SSDI disability, visit a Multnomah County Aging, Disability and Veterans Services office. Live outside of Multnomah County? Find your office here: Aging and Disability Offices.
- If you’re not 60+ and not living with an SSI/SSDI disability, visit a Department of Human Services Self-Sufficiency office.
Have questions about an application you already submitted? Check your case status by going online, calling ODHS Customer Service Center (800-699-9075), or by connecting with a Multnomah County Aging, Disability and Veterans Services office.
Did you know?
- Using SNAP helps support the local economy.
- If someone helps you with your shopping, they can be authorized to use your SNAP card with your permission. Complete this form and turn it in to give permission to the person who helps you shop.
- If everyone in your household is 65+ years old or living with SSI/SSDI disability, your benefits will be issued as cash to allow for more flexibility. You can get it on an EBT card, as a direct deposit, or sometimes as a check.
- You can use your SNAP to order groceries online at Amazon and Walmart.
- If you are 60+ or living with a SSI/SSDI disability, your out-of-pocket medical expenses can be considered when DHS calculates your benefit amount. This could qualify you for more benefits. For more information about which medical expenses count, please read this flyer.
- SNAP can be used at many community meal sites that serve older Oregonians, such as Meals on Wheels.
- Qualifying for SNAP helps you save in other ways such as qualifying for the Oregon Telephone Assistance Program and others. Check out our 11 ways SNAP saves flyer!
Other Food Resources for Seniors
There are some programs available specifically to help seniors/older folks/those 60ish+ and those with disabilities access food. Please also check out our general food resources. For help navigating these food and other resources, connect with the ADRC or your local Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services office.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels People provides hot, nutritious meals to older adults both at community dining centers throughout the County as well as home-delivered meals to older adults who have difficulty with leaving their home.
Visit for more information. You can also view the up-to-date directory of their meal site locations, including those that offer culturally-specific meals.
Senior Farm Direct Nutrition Program (SFDNP)
The SFDNP provides seniors additional funds to purchase locally grown fruit, veggies, and herbs.
Check out the Oregon Department of Human Services’ SFDNP website or call the Farm Direct Nutrition Program at 1-866-299-3562 for more information.
Store to Door
Grocery shopping and delivery services for seniors and adults with disabilities in the Portland Metro area.
Visit Store to Door’s website for more information.