We all need food to be healthy and do well for ourselves, our families and our community.
Food assistance programs can make it easier for you to get the food you need. Multnomah County Department of County Human Services is here to help.
Food Resources
You may be eligible for several of these programs
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
A federal nutrition assistance program for low-income families. Visit Multnomah County's SNAP website for more information and to get help applying!
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
WIC provides healthy food, nutrition education, and breastfeeding support to low-income families. Visit multco.us/wic for more information.
Double Up Food Bucks
Double your SNAP dollars to spend on fresh produce. Find participating farmers markets, grocery stores, CSA's and farm stands at doubleuporegon.org/dufb-markets
Oregon Food Bank
Get free food! Check out the Oregon Food Bank’s Food Finder to find a food pantry, free food market or hot meal program near you.
Sunshine Division
Free food and clothing for low-income families living in Portland. Visit their website for more information: sunshinedivision.org/get-help
Free School Meals/Summer Meals
- All school districts in Multnomah County are offering breakfast and lunch at no charge to all students during the 2024-25 school year! No application is required. For more information check in with your school office.
- When school gets out, Summer Meals are free for anyone 1-18 years old at locations across the County. Visit SummerFoodOregon.org for more information.
Meals on Wheels
Nutritious meals for older adults. For more information, visit mowp.org.
Need help finding other food options or help finding other resources?
Connect with someone at 211 to learn more about food assistance and find options near you. Contact:
- call 2-1-1
- text your zip code to 898211
- visit 211info.org
- email help@211info.or