Utility bill discount programs are available for households making 60% or below the state median household income. Find program details on each utility’s website, linked below.
We depend on energy utility services to help us stay healthy, safe, and comfortable. Every day, energy is used for basic needs like heating, cooling, powering medical equipment, keeping our food fresh, lighting our homes, charging our devices, and more. Utilities work to provide safe and reliable energy to their customers, and people need to be able to access their service to have the opportunity to be well and thrive.

How the programs work
Pacific Power
Pacific Power offers an Oregon Low-Income Discount that ranges from 15% to 40% depending on income. Customers can apply online or call 888-221-7070. You can find the guidelines to apply for this discount below. This information is also available in Spanish.
To qualify for a discount the Pacific Power bill must be in your name. You must meet the current income guidelines, adjusted for household size. Household size reflects all permanent residents in the home, including adults and children.
A completed application does not need income documentation. The discount lasts for two years and will require re-enrollment at the end of the two years.
Portland General Electric
The Portland General Electric Income-Qualified Bill Discount offers a 15% to 60% discount depending on household income. Customers can apply online or call 503-228-6322.
This information is also available in these languages: Arabic, Burmese, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), English, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Rohingya, Romanian, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili and Vietnamese.
The program does not require proof of income upon registration, though income verification may be needed after registration. The monthly discount lasts two years and will require re-enrollment at the end of the two years.
You can use the discount with any other energy assistance you may receive, though certain charges are excluded from the discount.
NW Natural Gas
The NW Natural Bill Discount program can save customers 15% to 40% off their monthly bills. Customers can apply online or call 503-226-4211. This information is available in English, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Russian, and Vietnamese.
Discounts depend on household income. Proof of income is not required to apply, though income verification may be needed after registration.
The discount lasts for two years and will require re-enrollment at the end of the two years.
Choose Renewables and Lower Your Electrical Bill
Oregon Community Solar Program

Oregon Community Solar allows subscribers to access and enjoy the benefits of power generated by the sun. Community solar can be a great option to support renewable energy for people unable to invest in a solar rooftop system.
Customers can subscribe to a Community Solar Project and get a credit on their utility bill for their portion of the energy generated by the project. It is an easy and low-risk way for customers to get the advantages of solar energy -- even without a sunny roof or if you rent or live in an urban center or rural community.
The Oregon Community Solar Program has special considerations for low-income customers of PGE and Pacific Power. If you qualify, there are no upfront costs or termination fees. You’ll also receive a discount on subscriptions.
This information is available in English, Spanish, Russian, and Vietnamese.