HIV and Hepatitis C Community Programs Retention Schedule (DOH17)

HIV and Hepatitis C Community Programs Retention Schedule (DOH17)

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Community HIV Prevention Planning Team Records (DOH17-001): Documents work of the planning team, whose mission is provide advice and assistance to programs providing HIV prevention services to Multnomah County clients. Records include minutes, Oregon Health Division planning documents, correspondence, and related records.
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0005(15))

Outreach Contact Record (DOH17-002): Used to record demographic information about clients served in the HIV and overdose (Naloxone) prevention outreach, needle exchange, and counseling and testing services programs. Information is collected by field services workers. Includes information about client, geographic area, service(s) provided, contact date, and field service worker's initials.
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0065(20)) Updated 12/10/2018

HIV-1 Serology Test Results (DOH17-003(a) and DOH17-003(b)): Documents HIV-1 test results provided to clients who have been contacted through some outreach service (needle exchange, corrections facility outreach, etc.). Records include lab test results, client identifier cards, and seropositive wellness program information sheet. Information includes case number, health care facility information, risk factors, subject testing history, test results, and related information.
Retention: DOH17-003(a) Confidential positives: retain 20 years; DOH17-003(b) Negative test results: retain 10 years. (OARs 166-150-0065(9); 410-141-3520) Updated 04/23/2021

Last reviewed January 4, 2024