Oregon Renter's Rights Resources
Oregon Renter's Rights Resource website offers guides, handbooks, legal resources regarding housing law in Oregon.
Oregon Legal Aid's Resource Website.
Visit Oregon Law Center Eviction Defense Project and submit a referral through their website or call 888-585-9638 or email the Project (evictiondefense@oregonlawcenter.org) to seek legal help. Tenants should leave a message on the intake line or by emailing with their name, date of birth, and eviction case number.
Information about available resources for tenants facing eviction
- Document2023 - Free Eviction Defense Flyer (496.74 KB)
- 2023 Statewide Legal Requirement for Termination Notices (Legal Aid Overview updated 3/28/23)
- Renter's Handbook on Termination Notices and Evictions (Legal Aid 12/2022)
- Click here to access the City of Portland's Eviction Help for Renters webpage. Facing the potential loss of your housing is scary and can have long term impacts. There may be resources to help you during this stressful time.
- Oregon Judicial Branch - Going to Court, Landlord/Tenant webpage. Practical information about the eviction court process. Helpful videos showing what to expect at an eviction hearing:
- Call the Community Alliance of Tenants (503-288-0130) or Springfield Eugene Tenant Association (541-972-3715) Hotlines with questions or your local legal aid office if you think you have legal claims (www.oregonlawhelp.org).
Free Legal Help For Oregon Renters
Information regarding three legal advocacy organizations providing support to tenants in Mult. County facing eviction.

No Cause Evictions
Under SB 608, no-cause evictions (aka “no-fault evictions”) are prohibited unless:
- Termination is in the first year of tenancy;
- Note: Beginning on July 1, 2021, landlords can use 30-day no-cause notices to evict people within their first year of occupancy. Additionally, from July 1, 2021, to August 31, 2021, landlords may issue 30- day no-cause notices to any tenants who moved in on or after April 1, 2019. This extra time is given to landlords whose first years of occupancy expired during previous moratoria. Renters in the City of Portland must get 90 days’ notice of a no-cause termination and landlords must pay relocation assistance.
- The basis is one of 4 permitted “landlord-based” reasons; or
- Note: Landlord-based reasons are 1) demolition or change of use, 2) repairs or renovation, 3) landlord or family-member move-in, or 4) new buyer move-in.
- The landlord lives on the same property as the tenant and there are 2 or fewer units
If you've received a No Cause eviction in Portland, OR, you may be entitled to a relocation assistance payment from your property manager. See information below regarding Mandatory Relocation Assistance.
Mandatory Tenant Relocation Assistance
Renters in Portland who are served a no-cause eviction or encounter any of the triggering events may have the right to be paid relocation assistance from their landlord. Landlords must notify Portland Housing Bureau's Rental Services Office of the payment. For eligible exemptions, see the Administrative Rules.
- Renter's Handbook on Portland's Relocation Assistance (Community Alliance of Tenants)
- Mandatory Relocation Assistance brochure (Portland Housing Bureau)
- Mandatory Tenant Relocation "How it works" flyer (Portland Housing Bureau)
- Verify eligible properties on Portland Maps
Events that trigger Relocation Assistance:
Triggering events are, specifically, any of the following:
- No-cause eviction
- Notice of non-renewal of a fixed term lease (not becoming month-to-month)
- Qualified landlord reason for termination
- Rent increase of 10% or more over a 12-month period
- Substantial change of lease terms
Portland Housing Bureau – Rental Services Office
The Portland Housing Bureau’s Rental Services Office has a helpline and on-site staff to provide technical assistance and information specific to mandatory renter relocation assistance. You can reach them at 503-823-1303 or rentalservices@portlandoregon.gov; 421 SW 6th Ave.,#500, Portland, OR 97204. Office hours: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 9-11am and 1-4pm.
What's New? Recent changes in housing law.
The Oregon Legislature has passed new protections for renters in HB 2001 (2023). Under the new laws, renters have important rights that can help protect from eviction because of nonpayment of rent, fees, or other money owed to a landlord. These new rights include:
- 10 Day Notice for Late Rent - Termination notices for nonpayment of rent must give at least 10 days for renters to pay the late rent and stay in their homes.
- Stop Eviction if Rent Paid: If renters are able to pay their overdue rent after a court case has started, but before the trial, the eviction must be dismissed. Renters' Rights to Redemption (Late Payment) Info Sheet
- Landlords Required to Accept Rent Assistance - If landlords prevent renters from paying their rent in any way, including by refusing to work with a rent assistance provider, renters have a defense to evictions for nonpayment.
- Oregon Law Center - YouTube Video providing an overview of recent housing law changes recorded 4/5/23
State of Oregon - Rent Increase Updates for 2023
On July 6, 2023, Governor Tina Kotek signed Senate Bill 611 (SB 611) which makes key changes to how the maximum allowable annual rent increases percentage is calculated for residential tenancies.
SB 611 states that the maximum allowable annual rent increase percentage is calculated as the lesser of:
- Ten percent; or
- Seven percent plus the September annual 12-month average change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Customers
- SB 611 also clarifies that during any tenancy, other than week-to-week, the landlord may not increase the rent more than once during any 12-month period.
City of Portland - Rent Increase Law
- In the city of Portland, any rent increase exceeding 9.9%, may result in the property manager owing the tenant a relocation payment. See Relocation Assistance information below.
Safe, stable housing is something that we all need to thrive. But people with disabilities often face barriers in accessing housing. One tool that people with disabilities use for lifting these barriers is requesting a reasonable accommodation. Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation from your property manager can allow for changes in rules, policies, practices, or services to ensure that people with disabilities have the same opportunity to use the dwelling as a person without disabilities. See handbooks and guides below for details:
- Disability Rights Oregon - Reasonable Accommodation Handbook
- Disability Rights Oregon - Reasonable Accommodation in Housing - Frequently Asked Questions
- Document
- Fair Housing Council - Reasonable Accommodation and Modification Requests (PDF)
Portland Landlord Tenant Law
- Applications & Screening Brochure [Portland Housing Bureau]
- Document
[Community Alliance of Tenants]
- Document
JOIN Homeless Services]
- Permanent Administrative Rule, Rental Housing Application and Screening [Portland Housing Bureau]
- Security Deposits Brochure [Portland Housing Bureau]
- Document
Community Alliance of Tenants]
- DocumentFAIR Ordinance - Security Deposits (92.75 KB)
JOIN Homeless Services]
- Permanent Administrative Rule, Rental Housing Security Deposits [Portland Housing Bureau]
Legal Advocacy Organizations
- Landlord Tenant Law
- Sample Letters to the Landlord
- Housing Rights for Manufactured Home Residents in Oregon
- Oregon Public Benefits Information & Hotline - The Oregon Public Benefits Hotline 1 (800) 520-5292, provides legal advice and representation to low income people living in Oregon who are having problems with government benefits. The hotline is generally open for three hours a day, Monday through Thursday. Please call the hotline number to hear the exact hours of operation for the hotline for the current week.
- Oregon Law Center (OLC) provides free legal help to people struggling to make ends meet on matters related to their homes, livelihoods, medical care and physical safety against domestic violence.
- Find legal aid centers around the state.
- Get Affordable Legal Help for Your Family Law or Estate Planning Issue and FREE Legal Help for Tenant Eviction Defense.
- Disability Rights Oregon helps people with disabilities with their disability-related legal issues in Oregon.
Mediation Services - Resolutions Northwest
Other Low Cost Legal Representation
- Modest Means Program through Oregon State Bar (503-684-3763)
- St. Andrews Legal Clinic
- Community Alliance of Tenants - does not provide legal counsel but does have a variety of legal advocacy resources on the Know Your Rights website. They also have a hotline tenants can call with questions 503-288-0130.
Negative Legal History Services
Metropolitan Public Defender - Community Law Program
- Community Law - focuses on barrier reduction work for people involved in, or at risk of involvement in, the criminal justice system. We help undo the damage done by an imbalanced criminal justice system by reducing social stigma, increasing economic and housing opportunities, and stabilizing families. Our model is to partner with government agencies and community based organizations to work together to help participants navigate the legal system and remove barriers.
- Depending on the Partnership, our Legal Services may include:
- Barrier Reduction: Expunging Criminal Records, Reducing Felonies to Misdemeanors, Navigating Current Court Requirements, Converting Fines and Fees, Sex Offender Registration Relief, Appealing Designations and Exclusions, Outstanding Warrant and Fines, and more.
- Civil Legal Services: Public Benefit issues, Family Law, Estate Planning, Landlord Tenant Advocacy, Restraining Order and Stalking Order Advocacy, and more.
- Immigration: Removal Defense, Adjustment of Status, work authorization, and more.
Who we Serve: We serve Oregonians, regardless of immigration status, who are high risk for involvement or have been involved in the criminal justice system. We also partner with SSVF to provide services to Veterans.
If we can help you, call us at: 503-225-9100, toll free at 888-MPDLAW0 (toll free 888-673-5290).
- Warrant Hotline - for concerns about an active warrant in Multnomah County:
Portland Community College - Clear Clinic
- The CLEAR Clinic is a free legal clinic at PCC Cascade in North Portland, providing the following free legal services to Oregonians:
- criminal record expungement
- eviction expungement
- eviction legal defense
- DACA renewals
- immigration screenings
- limited scope deportation defense
- legal name & gender-marker changes
Description of Services Slides
DocumentPCC Clear Clinic Slides (2.06 MB)- Walk-In Expungement Clinic Flyer - walk in clinic every Friday 12-4:00 at PCC Cascade, Terrell Hall (5624 N. Borthwick) Room 203.
Union Gospel Mission Free Legal Services
Some crimes can be removed or sealed from a person’s criminal record. This process is called an expungement. For this clinic, after receiving your application submission, an experienced attorney will review your record, and then call you to discuss your options. They will help you decide if you have past crimes which are eligible for expungement. Even if you do not yet qualify for expungement, the attorney will talk to you about when you will be eligible, and discuss possible other legal services like:
- Eviction expungement
- Reducing felonies to misdemeanors
- Waiving fines and fees
- Driver's license reinstatement
- Warrant lifts
The Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO) is a nonprofit civil rights organization driven to eliminate illegal housing discrimination through enforcement and education across Oregon. We promote equal access to housing by providing education, outreach, technical assistance, and enforcement opportunities specifically related to federal, state, and local fair housing laws. These laws protect against illegal housing discrimination based on “protected class status” in any housing transaction and, in fact, any housing situation. Click here to access a broad rage of resource documents made available by the Fair Housing Council of Oregon. Below are a few specific to tenants with disabilities and those receiving rent assistance:
- Fair Housing Rights for People Living with Disabilities (ENGLISH 2019)
- Fair Housing Rights for People Living with Disabilities (SPANISH 2019)
Oregon State Bar Landlord Tenant Law
Landlord Tenant Law Information - provides a general overview of the law.
Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals
The Fair Housing Act requires reasonable modifications to policy so that disabled people can use and enjoy their housing. It is common to modify a no-pet policy to allow service and emotional support animals.
City of Portland's Service Animals website has information on the following:
- Difference between Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals
- Americans with Disabilities Act Protections for Service Animals
- Who can ask for documentation of animals status
Service and Assistance Animals in Oregon (Disability Rights Oregon)
Service Animals: Frequently Asked Questions (Northwest ADA Center)