Internal Affairs Retention Schedule (MCSO5)

Internal Affairs Retention Schedule (MCSO5)

Series Descriptions

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Associating With Involved Persons Reports (MCSO5-001): Documents reports by Sheriff's Office employee's of a personal relationship with person's who are inmates or program clients. Information includes employee's name, date, person involved, and relationship.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (2007-0017/031, Expires: 04/01/2012)

Case Log (MCSO5-002(a) and MCSO5-002(b)): Used to locate cases investigated by the Internal Affairs Unit. Log shows case name, case type, case number, and related case information. Logs are updated each year in accordance with the retention schedules for the individual files.
Retention: MCSO5-002(a) Log entries showing sustained allegations: retain 15 years; MCSO5-002(b) All other log entries: retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(53))

Civil Litigation Investigation Records (MCSO5-003): Documents investigation of civil litigation claims brought by inmates and citizens. Records include notice of tort claim, investigation reports, background material, correspondence, and related records. Some information is duplicated with the County Counsel and with the county's contracted claims adjuster.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (2007-0017/032, Expires: 04/01/2012)

Hazard Reports (MCSO5-004): Documents officer reports of use of force to supervisors. Reports show officer's name, date and time of occurrence, subjects' name and address, witnesses names, type of force used, description of incident, comments of reviewing supervisor, date reviewed and signature of reviewing officer.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(53))

Internal Investigations Case Files (MCSO5-005(a) and MCSO5-005(b)): Records documenting investigations of department personnel for violations of laws, rules, or policies and may include findings and dispositions of investigations. Records often contain complaints, correspondence, investigatory reports, interviews, hearing summaries and testimony, and related documents. Information usually includes employee name, reason, location of violation, date, accomplices' names and addresses, witnesses' names and addresses, action taken, and related data.
Retention: MCSO5-005(a) Oral reprimands and allegations not sustained, exonerated, or unfounded: retain 5 years; MCSO5-005(b) Allegations sustained: retain 15 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(53))

Pre-Investigation Assessments (MCSO5-006): Documents complaints that do not result in an internal affairs investigation that goes to the findings stage. Records include complaints, pre-investigation assessments, background material, and related records.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(53))

Public Records Disclosure Request Records (MCSO5-007(a) and MCSO5-007(b)): Records document requests for disclosure of public records and provide a record of responses. Records may include but are not limited to requests for disclosure, types of records requested, request logs, notation of transfer to another district, approvals, denials, copies of petitions to the District Attorney for review of denials of disclosure, District Attorney Orders to grant or deny disclosure, correspondence, and related documentation.
Retention: MCSO5-007(a) Approved requests: Retain 2 years; MCSO5-007(b) Denied requests: Retain 2 years after last action. (MOAR 166-150-0095(13))

Last reviewed January 4, 2024