What is the Justice Fellowship?
The Justice Fellowship is a 4 month leadership/civic engagement opportunity for members of our community who are interested in criminal justice policy. A cohort of 10 justice fellows will meet weekly to learn about each component of the public safety system; from 911 to parole and grant writing to activism. The ultimate goal is to integrate fellows into policy and program discussions, fostering a broader network of community experts ready to contribute to decision-making tables.
Who runs this program?
The Justice Fellowship is a pilot project that is managed by the Multnomah County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC) in collaboration with Territory, a consultancy chosen through a competitive procurement process.
The curriculum will be facilitated by LPSCC staff, Territory, and leaders from the Multnomah County criminal legal system.
What are the dates of the Fellowship?
The next fellowship will be take place in the fall of 2025.
Is this a paid opportunity?
Justice Fellowship participants will be provided with a stipend to cover the cost of participating in the Fellowship. The stipend is intended to provide for participant time, childcare costs and transportation to/from sessions.
In addition to the stipend, LPSCC will provide all required materials and meals during the sessions.
How do I find out more information?
For more information, please contact the LPSCC Public Safety Coordinator, Enrique Rivera at: enriquer@multco.us