For over 25 years, public safety stakeholders have met monthly as Multnomah County’s Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (“LPSCC”) to coordinate their policies and operations and to collectively address issues critical to public safety. The Executive Committee also directs the work of several subcommittees and smaller workgroups that focus on emerging issues within the justice system, such as youth violence prevention, law enforcement agency alignment, pre-trial supervision, and mental health services in the justice system.
Council Members
Chair Jessica Vega Pederson, Chair, Multnomah County *
Amy Anderson, Community Member *
Kyla Armstrong-Romero, Juvenile Services Division Director, Department of Community Justice*
Mohammad Bader, Director, Dept. of County Human Services
Rachael Banks, Director, Multnomah County Health Department *
Julia Brim-Edwards, Commissioner District 3 *
Brandon Brown, Director of Community Outreach, Restorative Roots Project*
Gunnar Browning, Field Supervisor, Oregon Youth Authority
Christopher Campbell, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Portland State University
Fidel Cassino-DuCloux, Federal Public Defender
Bob Day, Chief, Portland Police Bureau *
Honorable Michael Greenlick, Chief Criminal Court Judge
Travis Gullberg, Chief, Gresham Police Department *
Grant Hartley, Multnomah County Director, Metropolitan Public Defenders *
Terrence Hayes, Community Member *
Honorable Patrick Henry, Chief Family Law Judge
Cathy Keathley, Gresham City Councilor*
Jason Lindland, Lieutenant, Oregon State Police
Christina McGovney, Director, Home Free--Volunteers of America Oregon *
Honorable Judith Matarazzo, Presiding Circuit Court Judge *
Heather Mirasol, Director, Behavioral Health Division *
Nicole Morrisey O'Donnell, Sheriff, Multnomah County Sheriff's Office *
Denise Peña, Director, Department of Community Justice *
Jeremiah Stromberg, Oregon Department of Corrections
Spencer Trumm, Community Member *
Nathan Vasquez, District Attorney *
Jason Wallis, Chief, Port of Portland Police
Kelly Zussman, First Assistant, US Attorney's Office
* voting members
Executive Committee Members
Rachael Banks, Director, Multnomah County Health Department
Julia Brim-Edwards, Commissioner District 3 *
Grant Hartley, Multnomah County Director, Metropolitan Public Defenders
Stephanie Howard, Director of Community Safety, City of Portland
Honorable Judith Matarazzo, Presiding Circuit Court Judge
Denise Peña, Director, Department of Community Justice
Nathan Vasquez, District Attorney
Jessica Vega Pederson, Chair, Multnomah County