Popular education is an effective way to teach, lead groups and organize communities. In popular education, everyone is a teacher and a learner. It helps people understand the reasons behind problems to create healthier communities.
We invite you to join in these fun and interactive workshops!
Traditional health workers in Oregon can earn 7 CEUs for the part 2 and 3 workshops.
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Introduction to Popular Education
Learn how to apply popular education methods in your work with community members. Covers the background of popular education. You'll learn to use the action-reflection-action circle to address issues in your community.
Full-day workshop, available in English and Spanish
Part 2: Principles & Methods
Covers key principles and methods of popular education. Practice different methods for sharing information (games, storytelling, problem posing, etc.). Learn effective facilitation skills.
Available in English and Spanish. 7 CEUs offered for traditional health workers in Oregon.
Part 3: Curriculum and Agenda Design, and Facilitation Skills
Use popular education to plan and lead your next meeting. You'll learn:
- Planning steps
- Importance of the learning climate through room set up
- How to lead a meeting with the lesson loom planning format
- Effective facilitation skills
Available in English and Spanish. 7 CEUs offered for traditional health workers in Oregon.
Contact Us
Community Partnerships & Capacity Building Program Beth Poteet, Coordinator
503-314-3136, beth.poteet@multco.us