The Community & Adolescent Health program works with schools, community-based organizations, and youth to prevent and reduce the impact of violence in our community. We give people tools to improve the places they live, learn, work, play and worship.
We offer:
- Education and trainings on violence prevention
- Funding for violence prevention projects and activities
- Opportunities to help youth develop social-emotional learning skills
We think that violence is preventable, peace is possible and that we are all part of the change. We imagine safe communities where everyone has healthy relationships and thrives with support.
Our efforts continue the work of the former STRYVE program.
How We Work
Our work is upstream prevention. This means we look at the root causes of violence and work to address them to prevent violence from impacting people in the future.
Root causes of violence include (but are not limited to):
- Racism
- Poverty
- Lack of community cohesion
- Lack of education
- Lack of youth involvement
We work with young people (ages 10-24), who are the most impacted by violence in Multnomah County. We support youth-driven activities, projects and events that are done in partnership with trusted adults (teachers, mentors, coaches, etc.)
Together, youth and adults can make change in their community, build peace, and prevent violence before it starts.

Strategies We Use
Placemaking as Peacemaking works to improve the spaces people live, learn, play, work, and worship in. Also known as crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED).
Pride, Peace, Prevention (PPP) centers cultural celebrations to build people’s pride in themselves, bring people together to address conflict, and teach ways to heal and prevent harm.
Project examples:
- March Against Murder gun violence prevention event
- Roosevelt High School podcast
- El Grito Portland Hispanic Heritage Month event
- Black Joy community events
Want to get involved? These free, online trainings are a great place to start. Contact us for more info.
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse childhood experiences (ACES) affect people who commit and experience violence, and can have a big impact on lifelong health. Learn how they affect the youth we serve, and how designing community programs with an understanding of trauma’s impacts can help people heal. Register»
- February 12, 9:30-10:30am | Online
- March 19, 3-4pm | Oregon DHS Conference Room, 11826 NE Glisan St (subject to change)
Coaching Youth Into Adults (CYIA)
Coaches and trusted adults will learn to use the Coaching Youth Into Adults curriculum in their work with middle and high school-age sports teams and youth groups. This curriculum aims to build healthy coping skills and behaviors in youth to prevent violence. Open to schools and community organizations. Register»
- June 4, 10am-2pm | Online
- June 10, 10am-2pm | In-person, location TBD
Placemaking as Peacemaking
This upstream prevention strategy works to change or improve the spaces we live in to create safer neighborhoods. The goals of these projects are: make the healthiest choice the easiest; and discourage acts of violence and crime. Gain actionable ideas for projects that we can support you to implement, such as murals, garden spaces, traffic calming and community events. Register
- April 4, 1-2pm | Online
- May 6, 2-3pm | Oregon DHS Conference Room, 11826 NE Glisan St (subject to change)
Understanding Violence as a Public Health Issue
Explore public health approaches to violence prevention, identify root causes of violence and ways to address them. We’ll also cover self-care techniques. Open to any interested community member. Register»
- March 25-26, 10am-3pm | Oregon DHS Conference Room, 11826 NE Glisan St (subject to change)
- April 17-18, 10am-3pm | Oregon DHS Conference Room, 11826 NE Glisan St (subject to change)
Understanding Violence as a Public Health Issue - for Youth
A 4-hour version of our Understanding Violence training (above), specifically for youth. Available in-person as a single workshop, or a series of 1-hour sessions. By request. Contact for information.
Using Policy to Address Shared Risk and Protective Factors for Multiple Forms of Violence
There are different forms of violence: interpersonal, community and self-directed. Knowing the underlying risk and protective factors behind these different forms is crucial for effective efforts to prevent violence. Childhood trauma, social inequities and community factors can increase the likelihood of violence. Social support, access to resources and positive relationships can help prevent it. Learn to identify common risk and protective factors through case studies and practical examples. And gain policy strategies to address shared risk factors. Register
- April 2, 10am to 2pm | Oregon DHS Conference Room 11826 NE Glisan St (subject to change)
More Trainings We Offer:
- Sexual health education trainings
- Youth Mental Health First Aid (Get Trained to Help) | February 27, March 25

Violence Prevention Advisory Boards
Our advisory boards work to develop violence prevention projects, and are another great way to get involved. Anyone in Multnomah County can join.
- Youth Advisory Board
- Community Advisory Board (adults) - Applications reviewed on a rolling basis. Please apply! Application and more details»
More Information
- Root Causes of Violence
- Pride Peace Prevention
- Video: What is Upstream Prevention?
- Equitably Addressing Social Determinants of Health & Chronic Diseases