Pretrial Services Retention Schedule (ASD3)

Pretrial Services Retention Schedule (ASD3) This program makes determinations to release or hold defendants charged with a criminal offense in the county.

Community Justice: Adult Services: Adult Intake & Court Services: Pretrial Services

Program Description

This program makes determinations to release or hold defendants charged with a criminal offense in the county. It also provides information to arraignment judges. Program case managers supervise defendants released to the community while awaiting court appearance.

Series Descriptions

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Pretrial Release Case Files (ASD3-001):

Records may include intake form, chronological report, recommendation for release, jail IMC card, and OJIN printouts, court orders, court motions, police reports, case reports, correspondence, case notes, and related information. Retention: Retain 2 years after case closed. (OAR 166-150-0025(4))

Last reviewed January 4, 2024