Probation & Parole Supervision (ASD11) and Treatment Services (DCJ7) Retention Schedules

Probation & Parole Supervision Retention Schedule (ASD11) This program collaborates with community organizations, law enforcement agencies, and other criminal justice partners to monitor offenders,

Community Justice: Adult Services: Probation & Parole Supervision

Retention schedules for Probation & Parole Supervision and Treatment Services

Probation & Parole Program Description

This program collaborates with community organizations, law enforcement agencies, and other criminal justice partners to monitor justice-involved individuals’ behavior. Working through field offices, parole and probation officers provide close monitoring of high- and medium-risk individuals, specialized services for individuals, intermediate sanctions, and education and dialog with community groups. There are specialized parole and probation offices for sex offenders, gangs, and mentally ill individuals.

Electronic Information Systems

In addition to using other jurisdictions’ systems (notably LEDS, CIS, and the City of Portland’s Police system), the program relies on the Supervision Program Information Network (SPIN) and its Flex Reporting subsystem and the Supervision Fee (FIRS) system. These systems provide justice-involved individual demographic data, program participation, case plans, needs and risks assessments, and supervision fee payment scheduling and accounting. They also provide operational reporting and justice involved individual tracking. Individual tracking information that is not duplicated in other records series should be maintained for 3 years (MOAR 166-150-0025(2). Statistical reporting that is not duplicated in other records series should be maintained for 10 years (see ASD11-006). Supervision fee accounting information that is not duplicated in other records series should be maintained for 3 years (see ASD11-007). Other information that is not duplicated in other records series supporting case management should be maintained until the case is closed. At that time, any unique records should be printed and transferred to the appropriate justice involved individual’s case file.

Series Descriptions

Note: Department of Corrections Information Systems Division maintains statewide record copy of information on the Corrections Information System. As stated in OAR 291-070-080(1) DOC requires certain documents to be transferred to DOC Central Records, as they are created, for maintenance as statewide record copy.

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Probation & Parole Supervision

Offender/Justice-Involved Individual Case Files(ASD11-004):

Series documents the supervision, management, and tracking of justice-involved individuals in community corrections programs, including but not limited to DUII Intensive Supervision Program (DISP), Monitored Misdemeanor Program, and Mentally Ill Offender (MIO) case files. Series does not include Sex Offender Case Files (see ASD11-005). Records may include face sheets, court orders, Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision orders, commutations, death certificates, expungements, pre-sentence investigations, parole officer notes, police reports, sanction hearing documentation, community risk assessments, diversion evaluations, driving records, documentation of blood alcohol content at time of arrest, copies of reports filed with the Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs, program reports, LEDS reports, correspondence, mental health assessments, referrals, and records of treatment. See also Obsolete and Superseded Records Series.
Retention for all: Retain 2 years after case permanently closed. (OAR 166-150-0025(4))

Personal Safety Equipment Inventory (DCJ6-008):

Documents personal safety equipment issued to department employees and its return when no longer needed. Inventories show employee name, type of equipment, serial or other identifying number, date issued, and date returned.
Retention: Retain until equipment returned, recovered, or adjudicated. (OAR 166-150-0200(9))

Sex Crimes Case Files (ASD11-005):

Series documents the supervision, management, and tracking of sex offenders in the community corrections program. Records may include face sheets, court orders, Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision orders, commutations, death certificates, expungements, pre-sentence investigations, parole officer notes, police reports, sanction hearing documentation, and community risk assessments. (statewide record copy)
Retention: Retain 20 years after case permanently closed. (OAR 166-150-0025(4))

Statistical Reports

See DCJ Director's Office Retention Schedule

Supervision Fee Records (ASD11-007):

Documents the receipt of supervision fees which individuals are required to pay as a condition of their parole or probation. Records include log, deposit notice, reconciliation, and bank deposit slip. Reconciliation includes all payments posted, the date of payment, name, SID numbers, receipt number, and amounts paid. All waiver and adjustment requests submitted on department supervision fee forms have been posted to individual records.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (OAR 166-150-0110(1,2))

Video/Audio Recordings between JIIs and PPOs for the Purpose of PPO Training (ASD11-011):

Recordings between Multnomah County Parole Officers and Justice-involved individuals (JIIs) to allow group or individual feedback to officers. JIIs agree to be recorded and sign an accompanying consent form.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (OAR 166-150-0145(9))

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Treatment Services

Client Monitoring Records (DCJ7-001):

Documents the department's oversight of client management in contracted drug and alcohol service programs. Includes two data sheets--one completed upon client entry in the program and one completed upon client's exit (successful or unsuccessful) from the program. Information includes client personal information, program description, referral source, participation record, and completion status.
Retention: Retain 5 years after client completes program.

Contractor Meeting Records (DCJ7-003):

Documents meetings involving department staff and contracted service providers. Records may include minutes, notes, reports, and related items.
Retention: Retain 6 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(7))

Contractor Site Visit Reports (DCJ7-002): Documents department review of contractor performance. Annual report consists of short narrative including name of contractor, program description, treatment goals and objectives, yearly achievements, and conclusions.
Retention: Retain 6 years after contract expires. (MOAR 166-150-0005(7))

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Obsolete and Superseded Records Series

The following series are obsolete or have been superseded by another series.

DUII Intensive Supervision Program (DISP) Files (ASD11-001): These records are no longer maintained as a separate series. Use ASD11-004 instead.

Mentally Ill Offender (MIO) Case Files (ASD11-009): These records are no longer maintained as a separate series. Use ASD11-004 instead.

Monitored Misdemeanor Program Files (ASD11-00): These records are no longer maintained as a separate series. Use ASD11-004 instead.

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Last reviewed November 22, 2024