Series Descriptions
Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)
Property/Evidence Room Records (MCSO32-001(a) and MCSO32-001(b) and MCSO32-001(c)): Records used to track property and evidence coming into department possession. Documents receipt, storage, and disposition of personal property and physical evidence from defendants, victims, and others. May include evidence photographs documenting crime scenes, accidents, and other incidents. Records often include receipt forms, evidence control lists, property consignment sheets, seized firearms logs, homicide evidence inventories, and related documents. Information usually includes case number, tag number, date and time, property of other evidence description, storage location, release date, and other data.
Retention: MCSO32-001(a) Unnatural deaths: retain 75 years; MCSO32-001(b) Sexual felonies as defined in ORS 131.125: retain 27 years; MCSO32-001(c) Other records retain 6 years (MOAR 166-150-0135(72))