Racial Justice - Further Learning Resources

Racial Justice further learning resources for Assertive Engagement

The following resources have been recommended or shared by the AE community of providers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Multnomah County.

  • The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.
  • Gentrification and paralyzes of the heart: Erin Okuno at Fakequity writes about how gentrification can include how people are expected to speak, act, and more: "If we want to work on de-gentrifying physical spaces we also have to work at un-gentrifying our hearts a well."
  • For Women and Minorities to Get Ahead, Managers Must Assign Work Fairly: This piece from Harvard Business Review resonates for many in the nonprofit world as well. With concrete suggestions, the article contends: "If we want to see a change in the diversity of our companies, we have to start including assignments in our diversity initiatives. We have to start paying attention to who is always procuring the conference rooms and who is always pitching the clients."
  • Nell Irvin Painter's "What Is Whiteness?" A 2015 piece that offers context for the term "whiteness" and history around white identity.
  • Debunking Family and Community Engagement Myths: Erin Okuno blogs on Fakequity about community engagement: "Racial equity work requires us to engage with communities of color who are different than us and with communities who lack access, are further from opportunities, or have barriers to full participation. People want to be seen, heard, and have their experiences validated - this is at the heart of why we should practice community engagement."
  • Housing Discrimination, Displacement and Community Resilience: A Speaker's Panel As part of Fair Housing Month in April 2017, the Youth and Family Services Division of the Department of County Human Services hosted "Housing Discrimination, Displacement and Community Resilience." Video of the whole panel is now available. The two-hour session concentrated on historical discrimination, current issues of gentrification and displacement, and how communities of color are responding to Portland's housing crisis and other emerging issues impacting communities. The event was organized by Neisha Saxena, Senior Legal and Policy Analyst with Multnomah County DCHS Youth and Family Services Division. Panelists featured Kristin Teigen, a Portland State University professor, who specializes in equity and social justice; Todd Struble, the Jade District program manager for the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon; Alice Perry, director of community based programs at the Latino Network; and Robin Davis of the Joint Office of Homeless Services.
Last reviewed September 3, 2024