Road Maintenance Retention Schedule (TR10)

Road Maintenance Retention Schedule (TR10)

Series Descriptions

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Building and Grounds Maintenance (TR10-018): Records of all maintenance and repairs to buildings and grounds owned or leased by the division. Used to verify that repairs were made. May include summaries, logs, reports, and similar records usually compiled from daily work records on a monthly or quarterly basis. Information often includes location, narrative of work completed, materials used, personnel completing work, authorization, dates of activities, and related data.­
Retention: Records requiring engineering stamps: retain 2 years after life of structure; other records: retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0175(2))­

Camping and Picnic Permits (TR10-021): Permits issued to individuals or organizations for special uses of parks. Includes permits, reservations, rate schedules, correspondence, and campground information.­
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0150(3))­

County Property and Structure Damage Reports (TR10-002): Case files documenting damage to county property, primarily road property. Contains damage reports, investigation reports, supporting evidence (police reports, photographs, maps), and related documentation.­
Retention: Retain 3 years after last activity. (MOAR 166-150-0005(8))­

Daily Striping and Marking Report (TR10-026): Report documents striping and marking done on county roads. Report shows date, crew time, location of work, paint used, and related information.­
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0185(11))­

Daily Timekeeping Report (TR10-023): Report documents hours worked by section employees. Used to compute payroll and to apportion job costs. Information includes employee name, date included, and hours worked at each job.­
Retention: Retain 4 years. (MOAR 166-150-0155(3))­

Maintenance Reports (TR10-001(a) and TR10-001(b)): Reports of road and structure maintenance performed by transportation crews. Reports include project name and location, description of maintenance performed, dates, materials used, and related information. Includes supporting documentation.­
Retention: TR10-001(a) Records requiring an engineering stamp: 10 years after substantial completion; TR10-001(b) Other records: 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0185(11))­

Material Testing and Research Records (TR10-019(a) and TR10-019(b)): Records used to research materials proposed for use in county construction and maintenance projects. Includes both reference material collected for project research and county material test results. Records include test reports, test plans, published information, correspondence, and related records.­
Retention: TR10-019(a) Records of test conducted by Multnomah County: 15 years [?]; TR10-019(b) Other records: retain until superseded or obsolete. (none)­

Materials Used Report (TR10-025): Reports document materials used for each day's jobs. Information includes date, crew, location, job name(s), and amount of each material used during the day.­
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0185(4))­

Park Management Records (TR10-020): Records documenting the management of parks, waysides, memorials, and recreation areas. Records document regulations, routine reports, operations records, maintenance and betterment records, inspections, safety and security records, correspondence, and related records.­
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0150(2))­

Pavement Ratings Records (TR10-024): Records document pavement condition on county maintained roads. Records include pavement inventories, ratings, and background material. Information includes pavement inventory data, including location, type, use, size, and where possible its construction history, and date of the last pavement condition survey.­
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0185(7))­

Radio System Maintenance Records (TR10-010): Records documenting transportation telecommunication system maintenance. Records include equipment call system, equipment evaluations, station files, radio frequency assignments, equipment specifications, radio maintenance files, radio call assignments, and related documentation.­
Retention: Retain 4 years after disposed or superseded. (MOAR 166-150-0125(15))­

Railroad Crossing Records (TR10-015): Records documenting agency activities in relation to railroad crossings. Records may include crossing plans and drawings, Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC)/Oregon Dept. of Transportation (ODOT) public hearings records and rulings, reports and studies, accident records, and related documentation and correspondence. Records may also include documentation of corrective action taken in response to PUC/ODOT inspection reports. Oversight responsibility of railroad and rail safety responsibilities was transferred from the PUC to ODOT in 1995.­
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0185(4))­

Repair Shop/Storeroom Inventory Records (TR10-008): Records documenting the stocking and use of parts and supplies for repair and maintenance of road equipment. Information often contains asset number, description, purchase order number, location of asset, date received, purchase price, replacement cost, depreciation, and related data.­
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(19))­

Road and Bridge Maintenance Records (TR10-011(a) and TR10-011(b) and TR10-011(c)): Records documenting maintenance and repairs of county roads, bridges, and culverts. May include reports, summaries, and similar documents usually compiled from daily work records on a monthly or quarterly basis. Information often includes location, narrative of work completed, amount of materials used, personnel involved, authorization, dates of activities, and related data.­
Retention: TR10-011(a) Projects involving structural maintenance/repair: retain 2 years after permanently removed from service; TR10-011(b) Other records requiring an engineering stamp: retain 10 years after substantial completion; TR10-011(c) Other records: retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0185(2,11))­

Road Equipment Maintenance and Repair Records (TR10-004): Records document the maintenance and repair history of all road equipment. Records may include reports, summaries, and similar records usually compiled from daily work records on a monthly or quarterly basis. Information often includes a description of work completed, parts and supplies used, date of service, date purchased, price, vehicle number, make and model, and other data.­
Retention: Retain 2 years after equipment disposition. (MOAR 166-150-0105(14))­

Road Equipment Technical Manuals and Warranties (TR10-005): Owners manuals and warranties for road maintenance vehicles and equipment. Manuals often include specifications, operating instructions, and safety information. Warranties include terms of coverage for repair or replacement of equipment.­
Retention: Manuals: until disposition of vehicle or equipment; warranties: until expiration. (MOAR 166-150-0105(13))­

Road Equipment Title and Registration Records (TR10-006): Records documenting owner-ship and registration of all agency vehicles with the Oregon Division of Motor Vehicles.­
Retention: Retain titles until vehicle is sold or disposed of; retain registration records until superseded or disposition of vehicle. (MOAR 166-150-0105(15)­

Road Equipment Usage and Expense Records (TR10-007): Records documenting usage and expenses associated with division road equipment. Used for maintenance, budgeting, and planning. Information may include vehicle number, make, and model, beginning and ending mileage, driver's name and signature, fuel used, repairs needed, and other data.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0105(16))­

Road Surface Maintenance Records (TR10-012): Records documenting routine and special street sweeping, cleaning, snow removal, sanding, leaf removal, and similar work. Often includes reports, summaries and similar records. Information can include date and time, area covered, broom down time and mileage, traveling time and mileage, operator's name, equipment used, amount of sand applied, amount of leaves removed, weather conditions, and related data.­
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0185(12))­

Roadside Maintenance Records (TR10-013): Records documenting the maintenance of roadside property. Records include correspondence, reports, chemical application records, and related documentation. Include litter control, roadside spraying, tree-cutting, landscaping, dead animal removal, hazardous material cleanup, mowing, and other related maintenance.­
Retention: Retain 3 years. (2007-0011/009)­

Rock Tickets (TR10-028): Records documenting rock used in various road projects. Information include project name, amount of rock used, date and location, and related information.­
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0175(4))­

Shop and Field Equipment Records (TR10-009): Records documenting the acquisition, use, maintenance and disposal of small equipment and power tools. Includes warranties, maintenance manuals, inventories, calibration records, repair records, and related documentation.­
Retention: Retain 3 years after equipment disposition. (MOAR 166-150-0185(7,8,10))­

Supervisor Diaries (TR10-027): Daily record of work performed, incidents, and anything else that has occurred during work. Entries include date and time and a description of events.
Retention: Retain 10 years. (2007-0011/12)­

Traffic Control Equipment Repair and Maintenance Records (TR10-014): Records documenting maintenance and repair of traffic control devices in an area. May include reports, summaries, and similar records. Information often includes location, narrative of work completed, equipment repaired or replaced, supplies used, personnel completing work, dates of activities, and related data.­
Retention: Traffic signals: retain 3 years after equipment permanently removed from service; traffic signs: retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0185(14))­

Waterways Records (TR10-022): Records daocumenting county activities related to waterways. Includes designations, applications, opinions and actions, greenway records, regulations, treatment records, and related documentation.­
Retention: Retain 5 years. (2007-0011/11)­

Work Orders (TR10-017): Records documenting work requested and assigned to the Road Maintenance Section. Section copies (one copy maintained in Road Files) used to check current and recent projects for crew scheduling and material control.
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0185(11))­

Last reviewed January 4, 2024