Safety Retention Schedule (TR04)

Safety Retention Schedule (TR04)

Series Descriptions

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Annual Summary of Injuries and Illness (TR04-002): This report (300 Log) documents all reportable injuries and illnesses occurring in the department. Includes date, location, employee name, and description of illness or injury. ­
Retention: Retain 6 years. (MOAR 166-150-0200(12))­

Employee Training Records (TR04-004): Records document the completion of various safety training programs by Transportation Division employees. Records include training certifications, training sign off sheets, and related records.­
Retention: Retain 6 years after employee separation. (MOAR 166-150-0160(24))­

Environmental Reports (TR04-009): Used to report safety and manpower issues related to environmental incidents. Information is reported to the Water Quality Management program for inclusion in its reporting database. Information includes incident site, people and hours worked, equipment used, and may include photographs and supporting information.­
Retention: Retain 10 years. (none)­

Facility Emergency Plans (TR04-008): Used to plan for emergencies at division facilities. Records include emergency telephone notification system plans, emergency reporting procedures, call-down lists, utility and other system shutdown plans, evacuation routes, and related records. Emergency plans are reviewed and updated annually. ­
Retention: Retain until superseded or obsolete. (MOAR 166-150-0100(3,8))­

Incident /Accident Analysis Reports (TR04-001): Documents the review and analysis of workplace injuries and illnesses. Includes a copy of county form RSK-2 and supporting documentation. Includes information about the employee and employer, description of the accident, and description of workplace. Report is filed with the county Worker's Compensation program.­
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0200(13))­

Job Hazard Analysis Records (TR04-007): Used to identify, analyze and mitigate safety risks and hazards associated with division jobs. Records include injury and illness prevention plans (IIPP), personal protective equipment needs (PPE), reports, and related records. Information includes job name, identified risks, and types of equipment and/or actions needed to minimize identified risks.­
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0200(17))­

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Training Records (TR04-006): Records document safety training required under the federal Mine Safety and Health Act, the federal law governing mine safety. Training records include the name of the trainee; the type of training, the duration of the training, the date the training was received, the name of the competent person who provided the training; the name of the mine; and trainer certification. Training is required for new hires, for specific hazards, and must include an annual refresher course.­
Retention: Retain 6 years after employee separation. (MOAR 166-150-0160(24))­

Safety Training Program Records (TR04-005): Records document safety training offered to Transportation Division employees. Records include class descriptions, instructor certifications, planning documentation, instructional materials, training database, rosters, completion records, training reports, and related records.­
Retention: Instructional materials: retain until superseded; other records: retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0160(24))­

Workplace Safety Committee Records (TR04-003): Documents the activities of department workplace safety committees. Records include meeting minutes, exhibits and agendas, work site safety suggestion forms, safety topic review and sign off sheet, and related records. ­
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0200(17))­

Work site Inspections (TR04-010): Used to document the inspection of division program worksites in order to insure compliance with workplace safety rules and to identify and correct deficiencies. Inspections are performed quarterly and include program name and a checklist of areas and activities inspected with notes of deficiencies and corrective actions needed. Includes date and signature of inspector. ­
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0200(17))­

Last reviewed January 4, 2024