Sexual Assault

Support for Sexual Assault Service Providers and Advocates

Resources for Sexual Violence Survivors

For Survivors

If you are a survivor looking for help for sexual violence, please check out the Resource page on the right or call:

Call to Safety

Dial Call to Safety at 503-235-5333 or toll-free at 1-888-235-5333 if you are not experiencing an emergency, but need to talk to someone immediately.

El Programa Hispano - Proyecto UNICA

Línea de Crisis 503-232-4448. Línea de Crisis 24 horas sin costo 1-888-232-4448. Los servicios que se ofrecen a las sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y/o asalto sexual incluyen:

For Advocates

The Sexual Assault Advisory Council has created a Sexual Assault Advocate Toolkit with advocacy resources and virtual training. Check it out!

Last reviewed August 19, 2024