Where is it?
SE Hawthorne Blvd. between SE Grand Ave. and SE 10th Ave.

Rephotography is the act of repeating the same photograph at the same location with a time gap between the two images. These repeat photos can be casual, replicating the general location, or very precise, by studying the original image and replicating it as closely as possible. Rephotography images can provide sociologists, historians, archivists, urban planners, ecologists and many other researchers with valuable information gleaned by comparing images taken over time.
It can also be fun!
Here is an image from a series of bridge approach photographs, ca. 1955-1960, found in the Bridge Section records at the Multnomah County Archives. This one is of the Hawthorne Bridge approach. Using clues from the image, can you locate this intersection and do your own rephotography?
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