Submitting a Type II or III Application

A Type II or III Application is submitted for proposals that allow discretion in reviewing the standards that apply.

Our permit process moved online as of Monday, October 30, 2023.

Before You Submit

For a Type II application, you will be required to have a Pre-Filing (PF) Meeting before submitting your application. For a Type III application, you will be required to have a Pre-Application (PA) Meeting before you submit.

Submitting Your Application

You are ready to submit your Type II or III Application if:

  • You have attended a Pre-Filing or Pre-Application Meeting within the last six months
  • You have followed all the instructions in your PA/PF notes
  • You have all the required documents listed on your PA/PF notes

All documents must be submitted in digital form. Plans must be drawn to scale, either engineering or architect.

If you have followed your checklist and have all your required documents, you may submit your application packet to the customer portal. In the portal, select the Type II or Type III application option.

After You Submit

We will respond in the order in which requests were received. If your application packet meets the basic requirements, you will receive an invoice with your application fees in the customer portal. The fees must be paid for the application to be considered ‘received’. See our current fee schedule.

After your application is received, the assigned planner will send you a status update in 30 days.

Last reviewed December 3, 2024