Test Your Child for Lead

A blood lead test is the only way to find out if a child has lead poisoning.

Research shows that even low levels of lead in the blood may contribute to lowered intelligence later in life. There is no safe level of lead in our blood.

Children can be poisoned by lead, but not look or act sick. Because of this, lead poisoning may go unrecognized. A blood lead test is the only way to find out if a child has lead poisoning.

Talk to your doctor about lead testing. Not all will routinely test children for lead, so you may need to ask them. Be prepared to explain your concerns. Be assertive when you ask for the test if you feel your child may be at risk.

About the blood test

Blood lead tests tell how much lead has been found in a child’s blood. This is called a blood lead level. It can tell if a child has been exposed to lead in the last 3-4 months.

The test involves taking a small amount of blood from a child’s arm, finger or heel. There are 2 types:

  • Venous blood test - Blood taken from an arm vein. The most reliable test.
  • Capillary (finger-prick) test - Less accurate, but less scary for a child.

If a capillary test is at or above 3.5 µg/dL, it should be checked with a venous blood lead test (preferred) or a second capillary test.

If your child’s blood level is elevated, it’s important to take action to avoid permanent health problems.

We can help you understand any test results.

Understanding your child's lead test

When you get the test results, make sure they tell you specifically what the test value is (instead of “normal” or “abnormal”). Any lead in the blood should be taken seriously.

Less than 3.5 µg/dL: No medical management needed.

A confirmed result at or above 3.5 µg/dL: Considered elevated and eligible for free assistance and follow-up from the Health Department. Contact the Leadline for a free home assessment. Our trained lead risk assessor will help you identify and remove possible lead hazards.

Learn more about the CDC's blood lead reference values»

If your child has elevated lead

In most cases the treatment for elevated lead includes:

  • Professional help to find and remove lead hazards from a child’s environment
  • Removing children from the source of lead exposure
  • Using good nutrition to help protect the child’s body from lead
  • Monitoring the child’s blood lead level over time to make sure the level decreases

Identify and remove possible sources of lead in your child’s environment to prevent further exposure. We can help! Contact the Leadline at 503-988-4000 to arrange for a free home assessment by a trained lead risk assessor.

Feed kids healthy, low-fat foods high in calcium, iron and vitamin C. This helps prevent lead absorption in children. Poor nutrition can cause more lead to stay in the body, and cause more harm to your child's health.

Test your child again in 3 months to see if the level has lowered.

Chelation therapy

Chelation is a treatment for extremely high blood-lead levels (at or above 45 µg/dL). It is only done with careful medical supervision.

Chelation has risks. It's important to discuss these risks with your doctor.

Other tests and treatments

Hair or Urine testing: Some alternative health care providers may suggest testing for lead in your child’s hair or urine. These methods have not been shown to be as reliable as a blood lead test.

Herbal Chelation: There is no peer-reviewed scientific evidence supporting the use of "herbal chelation" to lower an elevated blood lead level. It's important to discuss alternative therapies, including the use of herbal supplements, with your doctor.

Questions? Call the Leadline


Lead prevention information and referral. Spanish-speaking staff and interpreters in other languages available.

Last reviewed March 6, 2025