Transportation Planning and Development Fees

Fee schedule effective December 1, 2020.

When you submit an application, staff will calculate the fees and email you an itemized invoice. You can pay this invoice online and a receipt will be emailed to you.

Contact us at or 503.988.3582 if you have any questions about making payments.

Driveways and Sidewalks

§ 27.052 (A)(3)(a) construction or reconstruction of driveway approaches $300
• Each additional inspection or field visit (2 inspections included in application fee) $150
§ 27.052 (A)(3)(d) sidewalk and/or curb construction or reconstruction $200

Right of Way Permits

§ 27.052 (A)(3)(a) manholes for storm and sanitary sewers minimum fee (application processing + inspection for one manhole) $200
• Each additional manhole after the first manhole $30
§ 27.052 (A)(3)(b) canopies, awnings and marquees $200
§ 27.052 (A)(3)(a) sewer connections (per connection) $250
§ 27.052 (A)(3)(b) drilling or boring test hole minimum fee (application processing + inspection for one hole) $200
• Each additional hole after the first hole $30
§ 27.052 (A)(3)(c) curb drain outlet construction or reconstruction including drainage connections to catch basins $300
§ 27.052 (A)(3)(e) release advertising bench picked up within the right-of-way $200
§ 27.052 (A)(3)(f) any excavation, construction, reconstruction, repair, removal, abandonment, placement or use within the right-of-way $250
§ 27.052 (A)(3)(g) material filling or excavating within the public right-of-way $250

Special Event Permit

§ 29.712 (A) Special Event Permit Application Fee $200
§ 29.712 (B)(1) Special Event Deposit amount: >10hrs administrative staff time required $855

Street or Lane Closure

§ 27.052 (A)(3)(l) temporary closure of any street or any portion of a street $300
MCRR 13.600 Extended Temporary Closure (deposit) 120%

Planning and Development Review

§ 29.506: Transportation Compatibility Assessment $78
§ 29.506: Transportation Planning Review $500
MCRR 16.000: Road Rules Variance (requires notice fee in addition) $1200
MCRR 26.150 Stormwater review $200
MCRR 7.000 Transportation Impact Study review $200

Construction Permit

§ 27.055 Street and Road Widening Permits (Construction Permit):
Minimum deposit for Administrative review
• Deposit for Construction Phase - % of project construction cost for the portion of the project within and adjacent to County right of way 10%

Road Vacation

§ 27.054 Road Vacation Application: Feasibility Study $500
• Application deposit (% of estimated costs) 120%
• Minimum deposit plus $65 for posting $1000

Overdimensional Permits

§ 27.052(A)(1) Overweight or overdimensional move (consistent with ODOT) $8
§ 27.052(A)(2) Building and Structure move: deposit amount set by code $1000
• Permit application and inspection fees: structure under 14ft width and 15 ft height $200
• Permit application: structure over 14ft width and 15 ft height (inspection billed at actual cost) $250
• Permit application: overdimensional greater than 17 ft in height other than house moves (normal work day) (inspection billed at actual cost) $250
• Permit application: overdimensional greater than 17 ft in height other than house moves (holiday or weekend) (inspection billed at actual cost) $300

Storm and Sanitary Sewer

§ 27.052 (A)(3)(k) underground storm or sanitary sewer construction, reconstruction or repair, including property service and laterals not maintained by the county:
• 0-100 ft length $600
• 101-200 ft $650
• 201-300 ft $700
• 301-400 ft $750
• 401-500 ft $800
• >500 ft base amount $800
• >500 ft additional $/100ft $50

General and Miscellaneous

§ 27.056 Miscellaneous Public Works Fees: Minimum fee $250
• Deposit for County design, plan review and inspection 120%
§ 27.052 (C) permit authorizing work under ORS 374.305 not covered in this section (minimum fee, deposit set by code at 120% est. full cost recovery) $250
§ 27.053 plan review and inspection of underground installations and street intersections -
• (A) When completed facilities are to be maintained by the county: minimum deposit at time of application $3000
- Deposit for Construction Phase - % of project construction cost for the portion of the project that will be maintained by the County 10%
• (C) Storm and sanitary sewer lines to be maintained by others located within a county right of way:
- 0-100 Ft length $600
- 101-200 ft $650
- 201-300 ft $700
- 301-400 ft $750
- 401-500 ft $800
- >500 ft base amount $800
- >500 ft additional $/100ft $50
• (D) Storm or sanitary sewer connecting to county-maintained systems : minimum deposit $3000
- Deposit for Construction Phase - % of project construction cost for the portion of the project that will connect to systems maintained by the County 10%
• (G) For plan review and inspection of each street intersection or vehicle access, either public or private, other than a standard driveway approach $300
MCRR 18.135 Permit extension $50


Last reviewed December 3, 2024