Tuberculosis Program Retention Schedule (DOH23)

Retention schedule for various documents in the Tuberculosis Program

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Active Tuberculosis Case Files (DOH23-001): Documents case history of care received by patients who have active case of tuberculosis. Records include TBC/RHC registration form, immigrant/refugee TB screening form, chemophlaxis consideration form, x-ray report, prescriptions, adult problem list, case progress notes, TB rash evaluation, initial evaluations, lab reports, treatment consent, and related correspondence. Information includes client's personal information, client's medical history, results of various TB tests, and any treatments prescribed.
Retention: Retain 70 years after last service. (MOAR 166-150-0065(23))

Burnside Grant Records (DOH23-002): Documents grant funded program to fund tuberculosis surveillance of and education to homeless and low-income inhabitants of the Burnside district. Grant made by the federal Center for Disease Control via the State Health Division. Records include correspondence, grant revisions, personnel recruitment, grant objectives, budget, grant application, grant review team minutes, progress reports, and expenditure reports.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(17))

Case Management Team Meeting Records (DOH23-003): Documents meeting held by tuberculosis case managers to discuss open cases, caseloads, and case procedures. Records may include minutes, notes, reports, and related items. Also includes copies of case face sheets and listings of cases per case manager.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(16))

Clinic Statistical Reports (DOH23-005): Documents program activities of the TB clinic, including the Burnside district project. Reports include number of cases reports, case verification, case demographics, completion of preventive therapy, contact follow-up, drug therapy, case register, and related subjects.
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0005(31))

Correspondence: Records that: 1. document communications created or received by an agency AND 2. directly relate to an agency program or agency administration AND 3. are not otherwise specified in the Multnomah County Retention Schedules. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, and information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel and particular projects or programs.
Retention: File with the associated program or administrative records. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed. (OAR 166-150-0005(10)) Updated 01/08/2018

Refugee Preventative Health Grant Records (DOH23-006): Documents grant funded program to provide tuberculosis education and prevention to immigrant families. Grant made by the federal Administration for Children and Families via the State Health Division. Records include correspondence, grant revisions, personnel recruitment, grant objectives, budget, grant application, grant review team minutes, progress reports, and expenditure reports.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(17))

Tuberculosis Medical Case Files (DOH23-007(a) and DOH23-007(b)): Documents case history of patients receiving clinic services and who do not have tuberculosis. These services usually relate testing of people with positive skin reactions, homeless people requiring testing to enter a shelter, or immigrants/refugees requiring testing. Records include TBC/RHC registration form, immigrant/refugee TB screening form, chemophlaxis consideration form, med sheet, x-ray report, prescriptions, adult problem list, case progress notes, TB rash evaluation, initial evaluations, lab reports, treatment consent, and related correspondence. Information, client's medical history, results of various TB tests, and any treatments prescribed.
Retention: DOH23-007(a) Negative x-rays: retain 10 years after last service; DOH23-007(b) All other records: retain 15 years after last service. (MOAR 166-150-0065(23), OAR 410-141-3180(12))

Tuberculosis Treatment Record (DOH23-008): Documents patients who are receiving medicine to help prevent their inactive case of tuberculosis from becoming active. Cards show patient's name and personal information, reason for treatment, x-ray results, physician information, and a pocket containing case notes and prescriptions.
Retention: Retain 70 years after last service. (MOAR 166-150-0065(23))

Last reviewed January 4, 2024