Vector Control Retention Schedule (DOH24)

Vector Control Retention Schedule (DOH24)

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Chemical Inventory Records (DOH24-001): Documents chemicals stored and used by Vector Control for use in their rodent and mosquito control programs. Records include asset transfer forms, product inventories, chemical use records, acquisition records, correspondence, and related records.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (ORS 634.146)

Correspondence: Records that: 1. document communications created or received by an agency AND 2. directly relate to an agency program or agency administration AND 3. are not otherwise specified in the Multnomah County Retention Schedules. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, and information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel and particular projects or programs.
Retention: File with the associated program or administrative records. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed. (OAR 166-150-0005(10)) Updated 01/08/2018

Daily Activity Logs (DOH24-004): Documents activities of all Vector Control inspectors. Logs show type of activity, name of inspector, date, site location /number, method of treatment, dispensed material (if applicable), and related information. Includes logs for mosquito control, rodent control, and nuisance control.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0215(3))

Gambusia Stocking Permits (DOH24-005(a) and DOH24-005(b)): Documents the distribution of gambusia fish to county residents for mosquito larvae control. Permits are required by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife and governed by OAR 635-007-0620. Permits show recipient's name and address, shipping location, number transferred, and authorizing signatures. Also includes an annual list of stocking done.
Retention: DOH24-005(a) Stocking list: retain 5 years; DOH24-005(b) Other records retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0215(5))

Hazardous Waste Activity Records (DOH24-006): Documents program's management of hazardous wastes. Records include State Fire Marshal's hazardous material survey, state Department of Environmental Quality waste registration verification report, waste disposition and management report, reporting exemption sheet, contractor disposal receipts and contract copies, and related records.
Retention: Retain 50 years. (MOAR 166-150-0070(11))

Material Safety Data Sheets (DOH24-007): Series documents all hazardous chemicals used and held by an agency. Records include hazardous materials safety sheets, safety instructions, and emergency instructions.
Retention: Retain until superseded. (MOAR 166-150-0200(11))

Mosquito Breeding Site Monitoring Records (DOH24-008): Documents Vector Control's monitoring of sites likely to breed mosquitoes. Records include breeding site master list, storm drain master list, daily checking record, monthly checking summary, larvae and mosquito sampling records, and related records.
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0215(7))

Mosquito Complaint and Inspection Records (DOH24-009): Documents citizen complaints about mosquitoes and Vector Control's response. The complaint and resolution are a combined record. They may or may not include pesticide application information. Records include standard complaint form and inspector assignment form. Information includes type of complaint, complainant's name and address, description of complaint, date of complaint, inspection date, inspector's name, and description of complaint resolution.
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0215(7))

Nuisance Complaint Records (DOH24-010): Documents citizen complaints about nuisances and Vector Control's investigation and response. This process is performed by Vector Control under contract with the city of Portland and is governed by city code Title 8. The most common nuisances reported are illegal dumping or dog feces. Records include hearing officer order, notice of civil penalty assessment, abatement notice, hearing notice, inspector's report, phone messages, complaint, notice of violation, evidence (usually photographs), and related records.
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0215(7))

Personnel Accident Incident Reports (DOH24-011): Series used to report employee accidents to program supervisors. Records may include SAIF accident reports, accident reports, occupational injury report and investigation, and employee identification and physical assessment form.
Retention: Retain 10 years after case closed. (OAR 166-150-0200(13))

Pesticide and Application Equipment Technical Information (DOH24-012): Includes technical information sheets issued by manufacturers, application and use information, equipment specifications, reports and articles about the use of certain pesticides, and related correspondence.
Retention: Retain 30 years. (MOAR 166-150-0215(9))

Pesticide Application Site Reports (DOH24-013): Records document the application of pesticides to specific locations in Multnomah County. Records are used for reporting, baseline, and long term analysis. Reports include location of application, type(s) of pesticide applied, date(s) applied, amount applied, and any related notes.
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0215(8))

Pesticide Use Plans (DOH24-014): Records fulfill state Department of Fish and Wildlife requirements concerning the application of pesticides. Plan shows type(s) of pesticide applications, area of application(s), proposed date of application(s), reasons for use, predicted environmental impact, and related information.
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0215(10))

Rodent Control Complaints (DOH24-015): Documents citizen complaints about rodents and Vector Control's response. The complaint and resolution are a combined record. They may or may not include pesticide application information. Includes complaints about rats on other property, rats on own property, and sewer breaks. Records include standard complaint form, inspector assignment form, recheck form, and related correspondence. Information includes type of complaint, complainant's name and address, description of complaint, date of complaint, inspection date, inspector's name, ad description of complaint resolution.
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0215(7))

Sewer Break Reports (DOH24-016): Series documents reports of breaks in sewers. Reports indicate date of report, date of incident, comments, actions taken, location, and related information.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0175(8))

Specified Animal Permit Records (DOH24-017): Documents permits issued for certain animals (bees, domesticated animals, and livestock). The process is managed by Vector Control under contract with the City of Portland and is governed by city code chapter 13.05. Records include copy of annual permit, application, and copies of fee receipts. May also include complaint, notice of violation, inspection records, and related correspondence.
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0215(11))

Spraying Complaints (DOH24-018): Documents citizen complaints about mosquito control spraying. The complaint and resolution are a combined record. They may or may not include pesticide application information. Information includes date and location of spraying, complainant's name and address, date of complaint, description of spraying, description of program response, and related information.
Retention: Retain 20 years. (MOAR 166-150-0215(7))

Last reviewed January 4, 2024