Vital Statistics Retention Schedule (DOH25)

Vital Statistics Retention Schedule (DOH25)

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Authorization For Disposition (DOH25-001): Used as doctor's authorization for release of a body to sexton and sexton's documentation of the disposition of the body.
Retention: Retain 90 days. (2009-0001/016)

Birth Abstracts (DOH25-003): Reports and first public record of birth information occurring in the county. Records include report of abstract of birth and abstract summary. These reports are authorized by the State Vital Records office and produced by various programs within the Health Department (Epidemiology, Healthy Start, Fetal Infant Mortality Review, Perinatal Hepatitis B, Planning and Evaluation. Information is used to analyze public health trends, evaluate health systems or provide interventions.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (2009-0001/017)

Death Abstracts (DOH25-004): Reports and first public record of death information occurring in the county. Records include report of abstract of death and abstract summary. Information includes name of decedent, place and date of death, and disposition.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0075(3))

Death Certificates (DOH25-005): The original, received electronically, by FAX or by hard copy is used to record deaths occurring in Multnomah County and is forwarded to the state Health Division within two weeks of receipt. A county copy is maintained to provide information to authorized requestors. The original is maintained by the State Vital Statistics Office. Certificates shall show name of decedent, date and place of death, cause of death, attendant, and disposition information.
Retention: Retain 6 months. (2009-0001/018)

Returned Vital Records (DOH25-006): Certified copies of birth and death documents returned to the county because of some sort of error. Returned for destruction.
Retention: Retain 2 months. (2009-0001/019)

Vital Records Order Records (DOH25-007): Documents requests for vital records. Includes requests from funeral homes and requests from authorized private individuals. Records include order forms and receipts. Information includes record requested, requestor's relationship, reason for request, and amount paid (if applicable).
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(1))

Last reviewed January 4, 2024