What We Do

At the Multnomah Youth Commission, we believe that youth need choices. That's why we have options for youth when they join the MYC.

Current Work

At the Multnomah Youth Commission, we believe that youth need choices. That's why we have options for youth when they join the MYC. Check out our three committees and see some of the work they've been doing!

Fun fact: We led the implemented the nations first "Our Bill of Rights, Children + Youth" - check it out here!

Please note: As of March 2020, all meetings have gone virtual.

We do our work through three committees:

  • Education/YouthVoice
  • Transit Equity & Environmental Advocacy Committee/TEEA (formerly known as Sustainability or YouthPass Committee)
  • Youth Against Violence

Education/Youth Voice

Prior to COVID-19, we were working to on Later High School Start Times. We also plan a candidate forum during election season. This fall we will work on a virtual event to bring awareness and education on the November local election.

Transit Justice

MYC advocated for a region-wide YouthPass program, after years of advocacy and building with local youth organization & allies, the summer of 2020 we advocated for Metro to refer a Transportation measure to the ballot that includes funding for a region-wide YouthPass program. MYC does not endorse candidates or ballot measure. Read more about Metro's Transportation measure see the following link: https://www.oregonmetro.gov/news/1-billion-safety-transit-community-stability-proposed-part-2020-transportation-measure

Violence Prevention/Anti-Violence

Our most recent work includes partnering with local organization Word Is Bond, to do Youth-Participatory Research on the subject of how youth of color perceive law enforcement. Through this research we reached over 500 youth, primarily youth of color, by way of listening sessions and surveys. We presented our work at the December 5th, 2019 Youth and Gang Violence Steering Committee of the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council. The presentation titled, Uncovering Our Police System: A Narrative by Urban/Suburban youth of Color in a State Based on White Supremacist Ideals, goes into depth on the findings. What we found was the following common themes: generalization of identities and perspectives for both youth and police; trauma left by negative interactions with police; a sense of a lack of consistency in policing; a sense that future conflicts are unavoidable; and feelings of hopelessness that the system is never going to change.

COVID-19 Response

Emergency Operation Center Youth Team Liaison: This summer MYCers and EOC youth organized two forums to gather youth perspectives on how youth are currently impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Youth Survey: Collecting youth perspectives: check out the Youth COVID-19 survey we helped put together along with other youth organizations! - Click here to access

MYC work also consist of:

  • City and County inventory of youth involvement and engagement efforts with formal reports to City Council and County Board
  • YouthVOTE!: Implement the Bill of Rights by engaging youth in local elections
  • Education: Working on improving academic and life success
  • Budget Advocacy: Make sure both the City and County fund the programs and support necessary to make Multnomah County/Portland a nation’s leader in innovative youth engagement strategies and citizen involvement
  • Youth-Adult partnership trainings for adults wanting to learn how to authentically engage with youth
Last reviewed November 27, 2023