Your Healthy Stream

Healthy streams are found in healthy watersheds.

A watershed is the area of land that drains to a river or stream. In a healthy watershed, trees and shrubs capture rainfall, and allow the water to soak into the earth. Streams are replenished by groundwater, not by stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff is water that flows off of roads and agricultural lands that carry pollution and sediment that harms fish and people who enjoy the river.

Multnomah County partners with many organizations to promote healthy rivers and streams:

Fish need clean water.

Three rainbow coho in a water-filled container with a ruler.
Click through to see the full photoset of the Beaver Creek Fish Survey.

There are many small streams found throughout Multnomah County. You might think they are just small ditches, but don’t be surprised, a variety of native fishes can be found in most streams. But many of our fish suffer because of water quality is low. The main concerns are high temperatures, pesticides, and sediment erosion. The removal of downed trees from streams also reduces important refuge areas for fish to hide.

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Fish need access to habitat.

Five baby coho in a water-filled container.
Click through to see the full photoset of the Johnson Creek Fish Survey.

Culverts under our roads and driveways weren’t always designed in the past to allow fish to swim up through them. Many block fish passage because they are too steep making the water flow too fast, or the jump into them is too high (> 9 inches).

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Last reviewed December 3, 2024