Youth Facing Arrest and the Courts: Police encounters and detention

Learn what to expect from the time a youth is detained through the completion of court proceedings.

When a youth has a police encounter, they may be:

  • Released. In some cases, a report is sent to Juvenile services. In other cases, no report is created.
  • Taken home or to the Juvenile Reception Center by police, or
  • Brought to the Juvenile Detention Center to be temporarily held (detained)

Police are not obligated to tell parents that they are interviewing their child.

If a youth is held following a police encounter:

Staff at the detention center will call you (or the designated parent/custodian) to let you know. At this time, you will be informed whether:

Your child has been detained, but can be released to:

  • Your care. In this case, you can pick your child up at the detention center immediately.
  • Shelter care. Staff may determine that releasing a youth to a shelter is the safest choice for the youth and/or the community.
  • Legal proceedings will move forward from there.

Your child will be held overnight at the detention center. In this case, expect:

  • Your child will appear in court the next day.
  • At your child's first court appearance, a judge will determine whether your child will remain in custody or be released with court-ordered conditions.
  • Legal proceedings will move forward from there.

Every youth arrested in Multnomah County is assigned a Juvenile Court Counselor (JCC). Whether your child is held overnight or released with a summons to appear the next business day, you will receive a call from their assigned JCC the next morning with more information and next steps.

If your youth is charged with a Measure 11 crime:

Learn more about legal rights for juveniles:

Last reviewed February 9, 2024