Voting Members
Aiysha Whitfield, Alexandria Carter, Amy Qiu, Ana Meza, Andrew Prasch, Bridgette Lang, Camille Bales, Dakota Weber, Daniel Pierson, Drexel Grimes, Eduardo Ortiz, Emma Weitzhandler, Erika Molina, Gunnar Olson, Henry Li, Isai Rojas-Arcos, Jacqueline Altamirano, Jaden Magnus, Dylan Penson, Jose Lopez-Delgado, Ka'shuandra Jones, Madeleine Bloch, Marius Ibuye, Miles Ingram, Perla Alvarez, Ray Kennedy, Ruhama Dimbore, Serena Johnson, Sophia Kecskes, Tess Novotny, Violeta Alvarez, Zahara Muhammed
At-Large Members
Eliza Connors, Hanna Seminario, Henry Easton Koehler, Jerome Smith, Kita Pham, Maira Martinez, Minnie Nelson, Rakiyah Johnson, Shani Plunkett de la Cruz
2012-13 MYC Highlights
During the 2011-12 MYC year, we took our work out of City Hall and the Gresham Schools Building to the youth in our communities. We held two community meetings partnering with the Homeless Youth Continuum and the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization as a way to build relationships with youth and hear from them the main issues they felt needed to be addressed in their neighborhoods. Committees are evaluated and realigned at the annual mid-year retreat in February based on feedback provided by the community, MYC sponsors and Youth Commissioners.
The Multnomah Youth Commission does most of its community work in each of the five designated committees: Education, Health & Wellness, Sustainability, Youth Voice, and Youth Against Violence. The most notable projects and achievements of these committees during the 2011-2012 program year include:
Education Committee
- Establishment of a partnership with the Communities Supporting Youth Collaborative from Cradle to Career.
Health & Wellness Committee
- Completion of policy work with the eight Youth Advisory Councils (YACs) within Multnomah County's School Board Health Centers
Sustainability Committee
- Successful continuation of the Portland Public Schools YouthPass program.
Youth Voice Committee
- Gathering and spreading information on Measure 11, and revamping an informational brochure.
Youth Against Violence Committee
- Hosting the Rob Ingram Youth Summit Against Violence
- Development of policy recommendations regarding violence reduction