2012-2013 Alum

Multnomah Youth Commission 2012-2013 Alum

2012-13 MYC Retreat

Voting Members

Perla Alvarez, Violeta Alvarez, Camille Bales, Kassamira Carter, Ruhama Dimbore, Ariadna Falcon, Madina Gedi, Fatuma Gedi, Sophia Kecskes, Kaz Leffel, Jose Lopez-Delgado, Shamsa Mohamed, Yessica Mulet, Mariam Ngoye, Tess Novotny, Dylan Penson, Isai Rojas-Arcos, Antonio Servin, Patrick Stupfel

At-Large Members

Jacqueline Altamirano, Lashawn McCarthy, Ana Meza, Erika Molina, Kita Pham, Amy Qiu, Jerome Smith

2012-13 MYC Highlights

During the 2012-13 MYC year, we took our work out of City Hall and the Gresham Schools Building to the youth in our communities. We held several community events, including a Youth Candidate Forum, the 2nd Annual Rob Ingram Youth Summit Against Violence, and several meetings and focus groups related to issues such as transit justice and chronic absenteeism in schools. The MYC continues to build relationships with youth and hear from them the main issues they felt needed to be addressed in their neighborhoods. Committees are evaluated and realigned at the annual mid-year retreat in February based on feedback provided by the community, MYC sponsors and youth commissioners.

The MYC does most of its community work in three designated committees: Education/Youth Voice, Sustainability, and Youth Against Violence. The most notable projects and achievements of these committees during the 2012-2013 program year include:

Education/Youth Voice Committee

  • Execution of a Youth Mayoral Candidate Forum, which over 150 youth attended.
  • Commissioners-led focus groups with students in target schools to gain insight into the root causes of chronic absenteeism.
  • Facilitation of a national Youth-Adult Partnership training. Over 50 adults were instructed about infusing youth voice and partnership into their organizational structures.

Sustainability Committee

  • Commencement of a partnership with OPAL (Organizing People Activating Leaders), and combined efforts to expand YouthPass to East County youth.
  • Meetings with TriMet's Transit Equity Advisory Committee.

Youth Against Violence Committee

  • A $99,996.53 grant from State Farm's Youth Advisory Board.
  • Development of a Youth Against Violence Action Plan
  • Hosting the second annual Rob Ingram Youth Summit Against Violence
  • Several Restorative Justice projects, including school assemblies and informative videos.
  • Support of 11 Service-Learning projected in schools across Multnomah County
Last reviewed December 6, 2021