Multnomah County Elections Is Ready to Assist Voters with Disabilities; Voters Can Also Get Support in Their Preferred Language 

This release may be viewed in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, and Somali.

Contacts: Tim Scott or Eric Sample, 503-988-VOTE (8683)

Multnomah County Elections can support you in making a plan to VOTE this May!

The next election in Multnomah County is the May 18, 2021 Special District Election. This election includes contests for positions on your local school board, community college, education service district, rural fire district and water district. Depending on where you live, you may have one or more of these contests on your ballot. You will also have at least one ballot measure on your ballot. All registered voters in Multnomah County will receive a ballot for this election. Ballots will be mailed out beginning April 28.

If you are a voter who needs assistance, you can go online, call, email or visit a Multnomah County Elections location for support in any step of the voting process including: signing up to vote, marking or reading the ballot, updating voter registration information, understanding election rules and steps in voting, or any other election-related assistance.

Local Elections are Important. Make a Plan to VOTE this May!

In advance of the May 18 Election Day deadline, Multnomah County Elections is asking voters to Make a Plan to VOTE! The action-focused checklist walks voters through the five steps needed to ensure their vote is counted:

  • Register to VOTE.

  • Get your ballot.

  • VOTE your ballot.

  • Return your ballot.

  • Local elections are important. Make your vote count!

Voter Assistance Available for Voters with Disabilities.

You can request assistance with voting from a friend, family member, or someone else you know and trust. If needed, you can call and request voting and election-related assistance from Multnomah County Elections. Elections Voter Assistance Teams can assist a voter from their home, at the facility they live in, or at an elections service location in SE Portland or Gresham. This support is always free. Legally, employers or union representatives cannot provide voter assistance. Multnomah County Elections staff are following all safety recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Election Support Is Also Available in a Voter’s Preferred Language.

You can also request voting assistance in your preferred language. Multnomah County Elections has bilingual staff available who speak many languages. The Elections Division also can provide an interpreter, free of charge, to anyone who needs assistance in voting or elections processes in a language other than English. Telephone or video interpretation is available in any language including American Sign Language (ASL).

Voter Registration Deadline is April 27.

Multnomah County Elections reminds voters that April 27, 2021 is the voter registration deadline for the May 18 Special District Election. New Oregon voters with a valid Oregon driver license, driving permit, or ID can register online If you do not have a valid Oregon driver license, permit, or ID, or it has expired you will need to fill out a paper Oregon Voter Registration Card available at the US Post Office, Multnomah County’s Library locations, and the Multnomah County Duniway-Lovejoy Elections Building.

If you are already registered to vote, we ask that you check your address and name are up to date in your voter registration record. Voters can update their information online at or with an Oregon Voter Registration Card.

Sign up for Track Your Ballot

Our popular Track Your Ballot service is now available in multiple languages! You can choose to receive ballot alerts and updates in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, or Chinese. Sign up today for Track Your Ballot and get a virtual “I Voted” sticker. Text, email, or voice alerts will tell you when the county elections office has mailed your ballot, and upon return when we have received your ballot. Alerts also indicate whether the ballot has been accepted for counting or whether it requires further action by the voter. Inside the “Accepted Ballot” message, voters will get access to a special Oregon “I Voted” sticker ready to share on social media. Multnomah County voters can sign up by visiting

Absentee Ballot Information

Voters who will be away from home on or near Election Day should request an absentee ballot be mailed to their temporary address. In order to receive an absentee ballot you must complete an Absentee Ballot Request Application. You can find the application and more information about absentee registration online at You can also contact our office at or (503) 988-VOTE (8683) for further assistance.

Multnomah County Elections and COVID-19

Multnomah County Elections is following all safety recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including wearing face coverings and physical distancing guidelines. Face coverings are required when visiting our voter service locations. Many voter services can also be completed online. For questions, please call 503-988-VOTE (8683).

Multnomah County Elections wants all voters to vote easily, privately and independently, understand the steps in voting, understand election rules, and know voters can ask us for support. Each voter’s situation can be different and we are here to provide any needed assistance.

Countdown to May 18 Election Day

  • Voters’ Pamphlet mailed to all residential households - April 21, 2021

  • Voter Registration Deadline - April 27, 2021

  • Ballots begin to be mailed to voters - April 28, 2021

  • Gresham Voting Center Express Opens - May 3, 2021

  • All voters should have received their ballot. - May 6, 2021

  • Last day to safely return your ballot by mail - May 11, 2021

  • Election Day - Ballots due by 8 p.m. - May 18, 2021

  • Final election results are certified to special districts - June 7, 2021

Main office:

Multnomah County Duniway-Lovejoy Elections Building

1040 SE Morrison Street, Portland OR 97214

Gresham location:

Open May 3 - May 18, 2021

Voting Center Express at the Multnomah County East Building

600 NE 8th Street, Gresham OR 97030

Phone: 503-988-VOTE (8683)



Multnomah County Elections can support you in making a plan to VOTE this May!
Multnomah County Elections can support you in making a plan to VOTE this May!