Shelter Services Retention Schedule (AC2)

Shelter Services Retention Schedule (AC2)

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Advertising Records (AC2-024): Series is used to prepare and produce promotional materials, and to document promotions, advertising campaigns and public relations efforts related to animal services and the animal shelter. Records may include event programs and schedules, passes, newsletters, news clippings, paste-ups, drawings, copies of ads, posters, brochures, flyers, and correspondence.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(3))) Pending update

Anesthesia/Surgery Form (AC2-025): This records is completed for all animals anesthetized and when a surgical procedure (such as spay or neuter) is completed. This form describes the veterinarian and veterinary technician present, the health of the animal, the anesthetic drugs given, monitoring information, and the surgery performed.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(3)) Pending update

Animal Adoption Records (AC2-001): Documents the adoption of animals from the division's animal shelter. Records include copy of license, adoption pet license receipt, copy of health examination, animal record form, adoption application, adoption agreement, and adoption fact sheet.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (2007-0016/002) Pending update

Animal Inventory (AC2-020): Documents animals housed in the shelter. Used to track individual animals on a daily basis. Inventory shows animal number, breed, location, and notes on disposition.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (2007-0016/005) Pending update

Animal Licensing Records (AC2-008): Documents the licensing of cats and dogs by the division. Includes original license and renewals. Records are maintained in microfiche (1976-1997), paper (1994-present), and online (1998-present) formats. Also includes the online free licensing program. Information includes license number, owner's name and address, pet's name and description, fees paid, and renewal date(s).
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(3)) Pending update

Animal Treatment Records (AC2-023): Records documenting veterinary treatment of animals in the custody of Animal Control. Most records are maintained in the division's electronic record keeping system, but both x-rays and laboratory reports are maintained separately. Records include animal identification, treatment description, date, and related information.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (OAR 875-015-0030(1)) Pending update

Bank Transaction Records (AC2-003): Records documenting the current status and transaction activity of agency funds held at banks. May include account statements, deposit and withdrawal slips, checks, and related records. Information includes bank and account numbers, transaction dates, beginning balance, check or deposit amount, document numbers, adjustments, description of transaction, ending balance, and related data.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0210(2)) Pending update

Canvass Warning Notices (AC2-009): Documents past practice of canvassing an area for unlicensed animals and sending 30 day warnings to the owners. This practice has been discontinued. Notices show owner's name and address, pet description, date of warning, officer's name, and date pet needs license to avoid ticket.
Retention: Retain 1 year. (2007-0016/003) Pending update

Canvassing Records (AC2-013): Documents project to canvass Multnomah County to identify unlicensed pets and either license them or ticket pet owners. Canvassing was done annually until 1997 and may resume again. Records include maps of areas to be canvassed, reports, employee lists, work plan for canvassing projects, canvassing worksheets, statistical information, correspondence, and related documentation.
Retention: Retain 10 years. (2007-0016/004) Pending update

Controlled Drug Logs (AC2-026): This record documents all controlled drugs received and their usage on individual animals at the facility.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(3)) Pending update

Donation Records (AC2-012): Documents donations of items and money to the Animal Control shelter. Donations include cash, toys, food, litter, and other goods. Records include copies of receipts, flyers, correspondence, and other supporting documentation.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(15)) Pending update

Facility Licensing Records (AC2-010): Documents facilities authorized by the division to issues pet licenses. Includes facility license, renewals, and related correspondence. Information includes facility name and address, date of license, date of renewal(s), contact person, and fees paid.
Retention: Retain 3 years after license expiration, revocation, or denial. (MOAR 166-150-0005(24)) Pending update

Found Animal Reports (AC2-007): Documents animals found by individuals or by the division. Report shows description of animal, date found, place found, location of animal, and name and address or person/organization holding animal.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(3b)) Pending update

Impound Records (AC2-002): Documents all animals brought into contact with the division. Records include incoming animal receipt from the Animal Control electronic record keeping system and animal record form.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(3)) Pending update

License Tag Log (AC2-011): Documents license tags issued. Shows license numbers issued, date, person receiving tags, and person issuing tags.
Retention: Retain 3 years after expiration. (MOAR 166-150-0135(3a)) Pending update

Lost Animal Reports (AC2-006): Documents dogs and cats reported to the division shelter as lost. Reports show description of animal, date lost, place lost, and owner's name and address.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(3b)) Pending update

Mail Licensing Receipts (AC2-004): Documents funds received from citizens for pet license payments and deposited into division account. Records include license receipts, deposit slips, treasury slip, and accounting tapes.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(2)) Pending update

Purchasing Records (AC2-018): Records documenting orders, authorizations, and evidence of receipt of the purchase of goods and services by the agency. Includes purchase orders and requests, purchase authorizations, requisitions, contract release orders, material and cost specifications, central stores or printing orders, telephone service orders, and similar records.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(20)) Pending update

Shelter Licensing Records (AC2-017): Documents licenses held by the shelter and its staff authorizing the use of sodium pentobarbital to euthanize animals. Records include annual facility license (issued by the Veterinary Medical Examining Board under OAR 875-020-0040), controlled substance license (issued by the Pharmacy Board under OAR 855-080-0031), and Certified Euthanasia Technician licenses (issued by the Veterinary Medical Examining Board under OAR 875-020-0020).
Retention: Retain 3 years after expiration. (MOAR 166-150-0005(24)) Pending update

Sodium Pentobarbital Order Records (AC2-016): Documents the division's ordering of sodium pentobarbital for animal euthanasia. Records include order to the US Department of Justice for controlled substance order blanks, copies of controlled substance orders, order receipts, correspondence, and related information.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (OAR 855-080-0100(1b)) Pending update

Sodium Pentobarbital Use Records (AC2-014):Documents animals euthanized by the division and the amount of sodium pentobarbital used. These records are maintained to fulfill the requirements of OAR 855-080-0100. Records include weekly pentobarbital use summary, pentobarbital inventory log, and daily euthanasia activity log. Information includes beginning and ending amounts of pentobarbital, monthly drug reconciliation, kennel number, impound number, impound date, species, weight, amount of drug used, bottle number, dispenser's initials, and witness' initials.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (OAR 855-080-0100(1b)) Pending update

Vendor License Log (AC2-005):Documents licenses issued and fees collected by veterinarians, pet stores, breeders, and other vendors. Log shows vendor name, licensee name, fees collected, and total remitted.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(2)) Pending update

Veterinary Dead Animal Record Forms (AC2-022): Records document dead animals transferred to the Animal Control shelter for incineration. It is used to track animal weights to insure compliance with clean air requirements and a for billing veterinarians for cremations. Record shows date transferred, veterinarian name and address, animal weight, and related information.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(2)) Pending update

Volunteer Program Records (AC2-021): Records documenting the activities and administration of volunteer programs and volunteers in the division. May include volunteer hour statistics, volunteer program publicity records, training materials, insurance requirement information, and related records.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-160(25)) Pending update

Volunteer Worker Records (AC2-019): Records documenting the activities and administration of volunteers in the shelter. Records include volunteer sign-in book, volunteer application, hours totals, background checks, accident reports, and orientation and training documentation. Includes both volunteers who have been accepted and rejected applications.
Retention: Retain 3 years after volunteer separation. (MOAR 166-150-160(26)) Pending update


Incinerator Operation Records (AC2-015): Documents operation of the animal shelter incinerator in compliance with OAR 340-230-200 to 230. The incinerator is used to dispose animals euthanized at the shelter and dead animals picked up by field services officers. Records include weekly log and continuous temperature charts. Information includes temperature of incinerator when it is in operation, weight of animals incinerated, weight of remains disposed, and narrative description of operation practices.
Retention: Retain 1 year. (OAR 340-230-200(2)) Pending update

Last reviewed January 4, 2024