This Is Not The End - East County Tour

Conclusion of the out leg of Tour de Multnomah | East County. Our next installment drops later in 2022.


That was the last stop in East County. You've successfully completed the second leg of the second installment of the first ever self-guided tour produced by Multnomah County Archives! We hope you learned something new and enjoyed getting out and about. Did you take any pictures? Let us know by tagging us on social media. You find can our social media contacts on our Records Management and Archives Main Page.

The next installment of Tour de Multnomah is coming later in 2022. We'll dust off some new old things from the Archives as we explore a different region of the County. But which one? Hint: We're crossing the Willamette.

Until then, check our first Tour de Multnomah, which takes you to the Inner Eastside of Portland.

In the meantime, there's more archives where that came from. During the break, explore the Archives catalog, or visit the Digital Archive. Thoughts about the tour? Email us at, or tag us on social media.

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Last reviewed June 3, 2024