Voting Members
Uma Abdullahi, Wilson Alness, Jacqueline Altamirano, Perla Alvarez, Camille Bales, Madeleine Bloch, Emma Weitzhandler, Javier Cruz, Andrew Dalke, Hadiyah Desphy, Perpetua Ejike, Ricardo Gonzalez, Sophia Kecskes, Rebecca Kirk, Luwam Kahassay, Maira Martinez, Alex McCready, Erika Molina, Eduardo Ortiz, Daniel Pierson, Amy Qiu, Daisy Quinonez, Isabelino Rios, Quinn Rohlf, Akos Sarfo-Kantanka, Jerome Smith, Lindsie Stevens, Karla Suarez, James Todd, Emily Volpert, Katherine Westmoreland
At-Large Members
First Name Last Name, Henry Easton Koehler, Miles Ingram, Kim Nguyen, Gunnar Olson, Hanna Seminario, Gayatri Subedi, Dylan Tingley, Avathar Vivekaraj, Samantha Westmoreland
2010-2011 MYC Highlights
During the 2010-11 MYC year, we took our work out of City Hall and the Gresham Schools Building to the youth in our communities. We held three community meetings partnering with the Housing Authority of Portland at New Columbia, Native American Youth and Family Center and Immigrant Refugee and Community Organization as a way to build relationships with youth and hear from them the main issues they felt needed to be addressed in their neighborhoods. Committees are evaluated and realigned at the annual mid-year retreat in February based on feedback provided by the community, MYC sponsors and Youth Commissioners.
The MYC does most of its community work in four designated committees: Education, Health & Wellness, Sustainability, and Youth Voice. The most notable projects and accomplishments of these committees during the 2010-2011 program year include:
Education Committee
- Facilitation of a breakout session at the CPPS (Community Parents for Public Schools) conference about stresses and challenges faced by youth in their everyday lives.
- Assembly of focus groups with youth about school discipline at Helensview High School, Fir Ridge School, and The Donal E. Long Center.
- Service in many community groups including the Mayor's Future Connect committee and the SUN Service System Coordinating Council.
- Support for the Oregon Senate Bill 742, or the Tuition Equity Bill.
Health & Wellness Committee
Development of a tri-county School-Based Health Center (SBHC) marketing campaign, titled "My Health, My Choice, My Future."
- Technical support for the eight SBHC Youth Advisory Councils (YACs).
- Advocacy for the importance of SBHCs for youth to our legislators, including Governor Kitzhaber.
Sustainability Committee
- Continuation of the Portland Public Schools YouthPass program.
Youth Voice Committee
- Filming, editing, and publishing a video on the importance of voting.
- Identification of disparities within Measure 11.