- Document
Safety improvements included in the project were:
- Comprehensive signing upgrades to provide consistent signage throughout the corridor. This included bringing existing signs within compliance of the current MUTCD (size, spacing, etc.), updating curve signs to match new standards and testing, upgrading sign materials to improve reflectivity, etc. Upgrades were limited to ground mounted signs only with the exception of the S-curves location described above.
- Vehicle pullouts (police, refuge, mailbox, school bus) at four locations
- Existing roadside barrier/guardrail analysis and upgrades for existing deficiencies. New guardrail installed at high accident locations
- Reduce pavement drop-offs with gravel shoulder wedge
Map showing primary NW Cornelius Pass Road safety improvements
8th Avenue Intersection (Curve at MP 1.5):
- Signage (included with corridor wide signing upgrades)
- Vegetation and obstructions removal to improve the horizontal sight line
- Shoulder widening
- Minor curve realignment
- Fish passage culvert replacement
“S” Curves (MP 2.8-3.3):
- Signage (included with corridor wide signing upgrades)
- Provided a flashing warning beacon ahead of curves 6 and 7
- Reconstruction and realignment of the tangent between curves 6 and 7
- Restriped lane lines through curves 6 and 7 to accommodate truck-off-tracking
- Shoulder widening at the apex of curve 7
- Drainage facilities along the concrete barrier
- New concrete barrier
Curves South of Plainview Road (Curve 3):
- Signage (included with corridor wide signing upgrades)
- Vegetation removal for sight distance improvements
- Shoulder widening
Kaiser Road Intersection:
- Signage (included with corridor wide signing upgrades)
- Vegetation removal for sight distance improvements