The Logistics section SUPPORTS the responses

Have you ever price shopped for plane tickets, a car, mattress, those shoes! (see ‘em in the store, buy them online)
Have you ever had to feed a group of people like a child’s little league team or organized a BBQ for your frisbee golf group?
How about going for a hike with water, snacks, first aid kit, maybe even a compass or GPS and a planned route you will take both on the trail and to drive to the trail head?
Have you ever set up criteria for the house that you bought or the apartment you rented, considering number of bedrooms/bathrooms, kitchen style, garden, price, location to places you like?
Have you ever helped a parent or grandparent set up their internet or figure out how to use their cell phone, iPad or even their TV remote?
Have you ever planned a trip, bought plane tickets, booked a hotel, arranged for transportation? And maybe even picked out a few attractions to see?
Are you a parent?
If you answered yes to ANY of these, you might just be a logistician!
Logistics is all around us!!
Basic description: Logistics focuses on procedures for activating, dispatching, distributing, allocating, and deactivating resources needed for emergency and disaster operations from government, private, or volunteer sources. Use of available resource tracking systems, including databases or basic equipment/supply lists for personnel, facilities, equipment, and supplies in the County or region.
The Logistics Section Manager (LSM) is responsible for ensuring that incident personnel have the equipment, supplies, transportation, rest, and nutrition they need to meet incident objectives. In short, the mission of the Logistics Section is to keep the Operations Section functioning! Major attributes include:
Translating operations into all types of support needs, anticipating and filling those needs through an effective resource ordering system.
Good financial and procurement knowledge.
Support Branch:
Facilities Unit. The Facilities Unit Leader determines requirements for all facilities needed for the response, secures facilities and provides layouts, and oversees facility security.
Ground Support Unit. The Ground Support Unit develops and implements the Traffic Plan, arranges and supports fueling, repair, and maintenance of ground resources, maintains records and inventory of support and transportation vehicles, and maintains incident roads.
Supply Unit. Everything that is required on the incident is ordered through the Supply Unit, this includes people, services, equipment, and supplies. The Supply Unit orders, receives, distributes, and stores supplies and equipment, maintains inventory, orders or returns supplies and services reusable equipment.
Service Branch:
Communications Unit. The Communications Unit Leader is responsible for anticipating and solving all communications requirements of the response organization. For example, think radio communications, satellite phones, and the internet.
Medical Unit. The Medical Unit treats incident response personnel while the Operations Section treats people who are NOT incident response personnel. The Medical Unit prepares the Medical Plan (ICS 206), plans for emergencies, responds to requests for medical aid, medical transportation, and medical supplies, and ensures rehabilitation of incident personnel.
Food Unit. The Food Unit Leader is responsible for ensuring that all incident personnel are adequately fed and hydrated. This responsibility also entails determining the best method for delivering sanitary food and water and ensuring health and safety measures.
Procurement Unit. The Procurement unit identifies new or existing suppliers to source non county goods or services. Conducts intermediate purchasing activities, exemptions or emergency non-competitive actions. May use existing county or cooperative contracts, MMP or coordinate the development of new contracts or agreements.
Next Steps...
If this or any of the other positions below spark your interest or you’d like to find out more, please fill out our Emergency Operations Center online interest form and we will contact you.
In addition, the following introductory level courses are recommended for all disaster response staff:
ICS 100: Introduction to the Incident Command System. This is an interactive web based course.
ICS 700: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System. This is an interactive web based course.
Deployment Basics. This is a County-led training opportunity. Registration for County staff is through Workday.