The Finance/Administration section deals with the MONEY and the PEOPLE

Are you good with numbers and keeping track of receipts?
Basic description: Provides accounting, time recording and cost analyses.
The Finance/Administration Section Manager (FSM) is responsible for cost analysis, financial accounting, and general administration aspects of the incident. The FSM possesses sound financial knowledge. The FSM ensures fiscal organization, documents costs daily, meets fiscal restraints, and ties costs to funding sources. Major attributes include:
Developing incremental and total cost summaries.
Identifying funding sources and ceilings.
Developing and executing time and cost accounting to meet documentation and reimbursement requirements.
Works closely with Logistics to contract for supplies and services
The Finance Section is split into the following 4 units, which are staffed depending on the size of the response:
Time Unit. The Time Unit is responsible for ensuring the accurate recording of daily personnel time, compliance with specific agency time recording policies, and managing commissary operations if established at the incident.
Procurement Unit. All financial matters pertaining to vendor contracts, leases, and fiscal agreements are managed by the Procurement Unit. The unit is also responsible for maintaining equipment time records. The Procurement Unit establishes local sources for equipment and supplies; manages all equipment rental agreements; and processes all rental and supply fiscal document billing invoices. The unit works closely with local fiscal authorities to ensure efficiency.
Compensation/Claims Unit. In ICS, Compensation-for-Injury and Claims are contained within one Unit. However, given their differing activities, separate personnel may perform each function. These functions are becoming increasingly important on many kinds of incidents. Compensation-for-Injury oversees the completion of all forms required by workers’ compensation and local agencies. A file of injuries and illnesses associated with the incident will also be maintained, and all witness statements will be obtained in writing. Close coordination with the Medical Unit is essential. Claims is responsible for investigating all claims involving property associated with or involved in the incident. This can be an extremely important function on some incidents.
Cost Unit. The Cost Unit provides all incident cost analysis. It ensures the proper identification of all equipment and personnel requiring payment; records all cost data; analyzes and prepares estimates of incident costs; and maintains accurate records of incident costs.
Next Steps...
If this or any of the other positions below spark your interest or you’d like to find out more, please fill out our Emergency Operations Center online interest form and we will contact you.
In addition, the following introductory level courses are recommended for all disaster response staff:
ICS 100: Introduction to the Incident Command System. This is an interactive web based course.
ICS 700: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System. This is an interactive web based course.
Deployment - Assignment Basics. This is a County-led training opportunity. Registration for County staff is through Workday.