LUT Administrative Support Retention Schedule (TR06)

Records Management Program LUT Administrative Support Retention Schedule (TR06)

Series Descriptions

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Budget Preparation Records (TR06-014): Records documenting preparation of division budget requests to be included in the department budget. May include staff reports, budget instructions, worksheets, surveys, allotment reports, spending plans, contingency plans, budget proposals, financial forecasting reports, and similar records. Much of this information is maintained in electronic form in spreadsheets and similar documents. ­
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(8))

Competitive Bid Records (TR06-032): Records documenting the publicizing, evaluation, and awarding of bids to contractors. Provides recorded evidence of accepted and rejected bids. Records include original request for proposals with addendum, notice of open competitive bid, bid rating records, bid acknowledgments, contractor RFP responses (includes bid, organization identification and transmittal sheet, and bid evaluation scoresheet), and related correspondence. ­
Retention: Retain 6 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(10))­

Computer System Maintenance Records (TR06-011(a) and TR06-011(b)): Documents the maintenance of the program's computer systems and is used to insure compliance with any warranties or service contracts; schedule regular maintenance and diagnose system or component problems; and document system backups. Records may include computer equipment inventories, hardware performance reports, component maintenance records (invoices, warranties, hardware performance reports, maintenance reports, and related records), system backup reports and backup tape inventories.­
Retention: TR06-011(a) Records related to system or component repair or service: retain for life of system or component; TR06-011(b) Records related to regular or vital records backup: retain 1 year after superseded or obsolete. (MOAR 166-150-0125(1))­

Contracts and Agreements (TR06-015): Documents the duly executed and binding contractual agreements between the division and other parties. May include contracts, exhibits, bid documents, change orders, proposals, and significant related correspondence. Information in contracts usually includes contract number, certificate of required insurance, dates, terms, parties involved, period covered, and signatures. See also Construction Contracts, Intergovernmental Agreements, and Contract Administration Records in this retention schedule.
Retention: Retain 6 years after expiration. (MOAR 166-150-0005(7))­

Correspondence: Records that: 1. document communications created or received by an agency AND 2. directly relate to an agency program or agency administration AND 3. are not otherwise specified in the Multnomah County Retention Schedules. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, and information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel and particular projects or programs.
Retention: File with the associated program or administrative records. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed. (OAR 166-150-0005(10)) Updated 01/08/2018

Delegations of Authority (TR06-007): Records documenting the delegation of authority from senior managers to other staff. Information describes the limits of the delegation, the dates it covers, the person(s) receiving the authority, and authorizing signatures.­
Retention: Retain 6 years after rescinded or expired. (MOAR 166-150-0110(31))­

Driver Licensing Records (TR06-021): Documents employee licenses to operate a variety of vehicles used by the division. These records are underpinned by the Driver's Record Master File and the Drivers License Issuance System. These provide comprehensive information about the licenses held by division employees, including type, dates valid, certifications, accidents, and testing. Other information includes applications, general licensing information, and correspondence.
Retention: Retain general information until superseded; other information: retain 6 years after employee separation. (2007-0011/005)­

Employee Benefits Records (TR06-029): Records document an individual division employee's benefit information such as selection of insurance plans, retirement, pension, and disability plans, flexible benefits, deferred compensation plans, and other benefit program information. Records may include but are not limited to plan selection and application forms, enrollment records, contribution and deduction summaries, personal data records, authorizations, beneficiary information, year-end leave balance reports, and related documentation. The official copy of benefit selection is maintained by central Human Resources. ­
Retention: 3 years after employee separation or eligibility expired. (MOAR 166-150-0160(8))­

Employee Time Records (TR06-023): Records documenting hours worked, leave hours accrued, and leave hours taken by division employees. Information usually includes employee name and social security number, hours worked, type and number of leave hours taken, total hours, dates, and related data. Includes applications for leave. This information is maintained primarily in SAP with a variety of paper and electronic supporting documents. ­
Retention: Retain 4 years. (MOAR 166-150-0155(3))­

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Records (TR06-025): Reports and records maintained by the agency with 15 or more employees in compliance with the U. S. Equal Opportunity Commission regulations. Contains reports and all records related to the completion of the reports, case files maintained in relation to discrimination complaints made against the agency, and related EEOC records. ­
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0160(14,15))­

Equipment Maintenance Records (TR06-010): Records may include purchase orders, lease agreements, warranties, vendor statements, service contracts, charge call bills, fax activity reports, property disposition requests, invoices for equipment repair, purchase request forms, and memoranda.­
Retention: Retain 1 year after equipment disposed. (MOAR 166-150-0105(8))­

Equipment Manuals and Specifications (TR06-036): Owners manuals and warranties for division-owned vehicles and equipment. Manuals often include specifications, operating instructions, and safety information. Warranties include terms of coverage for repair or replacement of equipment.­
Retention: Manuals: retain until disposition of vehicle or equipment; warranties: retain until expiration. (MOAR 166-150-0105(13))­

Facility Maintenance Records (TR06-013): Records of all maintenance and repairs to buildings and grounds owned or leased by the division. May include summaries, logs, reports, and similar records usually compiled from daily work records on a monthly or quarterly basis. Information often includes location, narrative of work completed, materials used, personnel completing work, authorization, dates of activities, and related data.­
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0175(2))­

Facility Security Records (TR06-012): Series documents security provided for division buildings and grounds. Records include security logs, sign-in sheets, security reports, incident reports, and related records.­
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(35))­

Fax Reports (TR06-037): Records document facsimile transactions of the division. Information includes date and time fax transmitted or received and recipient/sender's fax number.­
Retention: Retain 1 year. (MOAR 166-150-0005(11))­

Individual Employee Personnel Records (TR06-024(a) and TR06-024(b)): Records may include original and subsequent employment applications, personnel actions, personnel information documents, combined turnaround sheets, employee history forms, resignations, discharges, certification lists, settlement agreements, recommendations and commendations, disciplinary actions, merit ratings, overtime information, performance evaluations, training records, professional and technical certifications and awards, leave of absence requests, emergency notification form, bus pass information, resume, correspondence, and related records.­
Retention: TR06-024(a) Disciplinary actions: retain 3 years or as specified by union contract; TR06-024(b) All other records: retain 6 years after employee separation. (MOAR 166-150-0160(10))­

Injury and Damage Claim Records (TR06-018): Records documenting various types of liability claims filed against the division. These include personal injury, property damage,motor vehicle accident, false arrest, and others. Records often include reports, photographs, summaries, reviews, notices, audio and videotapes, transcriptions of recorded statements, memoranda, correspondence, and related documents. (Minimum retention: (a) If action taken: 10 years after case closed, dismissed, or date of last action (b) If no action taken: 3 years)­.
Retention: 10 years after last action. (MOAR 166-150-0200(9))­

Intergovernmental Agreements (TR06-016(a) and TR06-016(b)): Agreements entered in-to by the division with the state, school districts, service districts, cities, or other governmental units. Often refers to consolidating departments, jointly providing administrative officers, and sharing facilities or equipment. Major agreements usually set funding responsibilities, fee apportionment, duration of agreement, rights to terminate agreement, and transfers of property, personnel, and employment benefits.­
Retention: TR06-016(a) Significant and historic agreements: permanent; TR06-016(b) Other agreements: 6 years after expiration. (MOAR 166-150-0005(12))­

Inventory Records (TR06-035(a) and TR06-035(b)): Inventory records documenting the capitalized assets and expendable property of the agency. Examples of capitalized assets may include but are not limited to buildings, real estate, infrastructure assets, vehicles, equipment, and furniture. Examples of expendable assets include offices up plies and other small, office purchases. Information often contains asset number, description, purchase order number, location of asset, date received, purchase price, replacement cost, depreciation, and related data. This record series applies to routine control inventories.
Retention: TR06-035(a) Retain records of capitalized assets: 3 years after disposal or replacement of asset; TR06-035(b) Retain records of expendable property: 3 years or until superseded, whichever is longer. (MOAR 166-150-0110(17))­

Legal Support Records (TR06-020): Series used to provide reference about and to document legal issues that the division is involved with. Includes legal opinions, legal case records, background information, and related correspondence.­
Retention: Retain 10 years. (2007-0011/004)­

Legislative Tracking Records (TR06-019): Series used to monitor legislation that may have an impact on the division's current operations or policies. Records include concept statements, proposals, bill logs, fiscal/organizational impact analysis papers, copies of bills, testimony summaries, committee reports, agendas, and correspondence.­
Retention: Retain 2 years. (OAR 166-150-0005(14))­

Office Equipment Maintenance Records (TR06-034): Records may include purchase orders, lease agreements, warranties, vendor statements, service contracts, charge call bills, fax activity reports, property disposition requests, invoices for equipment repair, purchase request forms, and memoranda.­
Retention: Retain 1 year after equipment disposed. (MOAR 166-150-0105(8))­

Organizational Records (TR06-009): Records documenting the arrangement and administrative structure of the division. Includes charts, statements, studies, and similar records. May also include studies to determine the merit and feasibility of reorganization plans, as well as other major studies related to the administrative hierarchy.­
Retention: Retain 2 years after superseded. (OAR 166-150-0005(20))­

Policy and Procedure Records (TR06-001(a) and TR06-001(b) and TR06-001(c)): Series documents review, assessment, development, and authorization of an agency's formal policies and procedures that have been approved by a governing body. Records may include Administrative Procedures, authorizing bulletins and advisories, mission and goal statements, manuals, and final policy statements and directives. Information often includes policy and procedure numbers, revision dates, subject identification, narrative description, authorization information, and effective date.­
Retention: TR06-001(a) Routine clerical manuals: retain 2 years after superseded; TR06-001(b) Other manuals and Administrative Procedures: retain permanently; TR06-001(c) Other records:retain 20 years after superseded or obsolete. (MOAR 166-150-0005(26,27))­

Position Control Records (TR06-028): Records document the description, classification, reclassification, and compensation of division jobs and positions. Usually includes details of duties and responsibilities of each position, time percentage breakdowns of tasks, skills and abilities needed for each position, and related records documenting the development, modification, or redefinition of each job or position. Records often include reports, job analyses, interview data, selection criteria, authorizations, agreements, and significant related records.­
Retention: 3 years after superseded or obsolete. (MOAR 166-150-0160(22))­

Property Disposition Records (TR06-033): Records documenting disposition of division-owned non-real property, usually through public auction, competitive bidding, or destruction. Information often includes date, department, description of item, value, disposition, reason for disposition, condition, and authorization.­
Retention: Retain 3 years after disposition of property. (MOAR 166-150-0105(10))­

Purchasing Records (TR06-031): Records documenting orders, authorizations, and evidence of receipt of the purchase of goods and services by the division and its programs. Includes purchase orders and requests, purchase authorizations, requisitions, contract release orders, material and cost specifications, central stores or printing orders, telephone service orders, and similar records. The primary transactional record is maintained in SAP, with supporting documentation, including electronic information, maintained separately.­
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(21))­

Records Management Records (TR06-017): Records document the division's interactions with the county records program related to retention scheduling, inventory, and using the records center and archives. Records may include but are not limited to records retention schedules, inventory worksheets, schedule authorizations, procedure guidelines, transmittals, destruction authorizations, reports, and correspondence.­
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0125(10))­

Recruitment And Selection Records (TR06-026(a) and TR06-026(b) and TR06-026(c)): Record related to the recruitment and selection process for filling open positions within the division. Often includes job announcements, applicant lists, position advertisement records, civil service and other examination records, classification specifications, affirmative action statistical sheets, interview questions, video tapes, applicant background investigation information, position authorization forms, certification of eligibles, employment eligibility verification forms, and related records.­
Retention: TR06-026(a) Retain announcement records, position description, and records documenting creation of test and rating scale 10 years; TR06-026(b) Retain unsolicited applications and resumes 3 months if not returned to solicitor; TR06-026(c) Retain unsuccessful applications and other records 3 years after position filled or recruitment cancelled) (MOAR 166-150-0160(23))­

Reports and Studies (TR06-002): Records document special reports or studies conducted on the division's programs, services, or projects, compiled by division personnel, or by consultants under contract. Includes final report distributed either internally or to other entities and the work papers used to compile the report or study. For reports and studies maintained in electronic format, please contact the County Records Management Program for preservation assistance.­
Retention: Final report: retain permanently; other records: retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(34))­

Staff Meeting Records (TR06-008): Records documenting routine division staff meetings which are not subject to Oregon's Public Meetings Law (ORS 192.610 to 192.710). These meetings deal with tasks and actions within existing policies and procedures. Records may include minutes, notes, reports, and related items. Some records may merit inclusion in other record series with longer retention periods if the subject matter of the meeting adds significant information to that series.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(16))­

Vehicle Licensing Records (TR06-022): Records documenting owner-ship and registration of all division vehicles. Includes description of vehicle, owner's name, and related information.
Retention: Retain until vehicle disposed. (MOAR 166-150-0105(15))­

Volunteer Worker Records (TR06-027): Records documenting work performed for the division by citizens without compensation for their services. May include agreements, applications, skill test results, training documentation, task assignment and monitoring records, and related information.
Retention: Retain 3 years after separation. (MOAR 166-150-0160(26))­

Weather Reports (TR06-038): Records document weather information received by the division and used for job planning and information releases. Records include various weather reports from stations within the county and statewide. Information includes meteorological readings and predictions.­
Retention: Retain 90 days. (2007-0011/006)­

Work Scheduling Records (TR06-030): Records documenting the scheduling and assigning of shifts, tasks, projects, or other work to division employees. Useful for budget and personnel planning and review, assessing employee work performance, and other purposes. May include calendars, schedules, lists, charts, rosters, and related records.­
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(46))­

Last reviewed January 4, 2024