Help your community Make a Plan to VOTE!

Are you ready to vote? Want to help others? Help your community Make a Plan to VOTE!
Get Involved!
- Make sure your family, friends, and neighbors Make a Plan to VOTE! and are registered to vote at their current address.
- Access our Make a Plan to VOTE! Virtual Voter Registration Kit (below) with rules for organizing a voter registration drive, printable voter registration cards, signs, and brochures.
- Connect with a local, governmental, or community organization to be part of a National Voter Registration Day event.
Virtual Voter Registration Kit
- Get a Sign!
- DocumentRegister Here to Vote Sign (147.73 KB)
- DocumentRegister to Vote Multilingual Sign (148.45 KB)
- Know the Rules: Organizing a Voter Registration Drive
- Document
- Print Registration Cards or Register Online. Voters who have an active Oregon ID or Driver's License can register to vote online at English and Spanish language Oregon Voter Registration Cards are available in packs of 100 from the Oregon Secretary of State and Multnomah County Elections offices. You can also print Oregon Voter Registration Cards:
- Fillable PDF Oregon Voter Registration Card - English
- Fillable PDF Oregon Voter Registration Card - Español Spanish
- Fillable PDF Oregon Voter Registration Card - 中文 Chinese
- Fillable PDF Oregon Voter Registration Card - Tiếng Việt Vietnamese
- Fillable PDF Oregon Voter Registration Card - Soomaali Somali
- Fillable PDF Oregon Voter Registration Card - русский Russian
Help Voters Sign Up for Track Your Ballot. Voters will know where their ballot is in the voting process and get a virtual “I Voted” sticker to share on social media: (
DocumentSign up to Track Your Ballot! (1.64 MB)- Help Youth Register to VOTE:
- DocumentReg16Vote18 8x10 Poster - English - Small (195.93 KB)
- Español Spanish: Inscríbete @ 16. Vota @ 18.
Information for Voters Experiencing Housing Instability or Homelessness (
Questions - We are here to help!
Phone: 503-988-VOTE (8683) Email: Website:
Main office:
Multnomah County Duniway-Lovejoy Elections Building 1040 SE Morrison Street Portland, OR 97214
Gresham location:
Voting Center Express at the Multnomah County East Building 600 NE 8th Street Gresham, OR 97030