Direct Impact on Community

The Multnomah Youth Commission continues to build working relationships and partnerships with local government agencies, school districts, and community based organizations. 

The Multnomah Youth Commission (MYC) continues to build working relationships and partnerships with local government agencies, school districts, and community based organizations. As a result of our strong working relationships, we obtained support for our 2012 Youth Against Violence Policy Recommendations. Several of these recommendations were adopted by our local government partners, as well as community based organizations. Here are just a few examples of how we have made a difference in our community so far.

1. The SUN Service System (SUN), a partner of the MYC, adopted three of our policy recommendations. SUN leads to educational success and family self-sufficiency through an integrated network of social and support services for youth, families and community members. Through the work of SUN and their reach within 67 schools in the Portland area, they adopted policies which included: identifying opportunities for trainings for parents in their community schools, identifying and promoting free programs available for youth outside of the school day, and creating an inventory of services available for youth.

2. The Oregon Safe Schools & Communities Coalition is another partner of the MYC committed to creating safe spaces for children and youth. Their organization works to support community efforts to reduce youth suicide and other risk behaviors in the often hidden and historically underserved gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth population. This ally organization, as a result of our policy recommendation to focus on increasing legal protections for students to improve the quality and quantity of anti-bullying training in schools, continues to conduct research, monitor and encourage the implementation of the amended Oregon Safe Schools Act.

3.  In continuation of our desire to build capacity within our school districts on bullying and teen dating violence, the Defending Childhood Initiative (DCI) led trainings within in six schools districts in Portland the fall of 2012. DCI is a federally-funded initiative to bring together resources across the county to raise awareness among professionals, community members, families, and youth in Multnomah County about the prevalence of children’s exposure to violence, its impact on their development, and what we can do to safeguard our children and ensure that the next generation thrives. DCI trained 158 school counselors, psychologists, and professionals on Children’s Exposure to Violence which included teen dating violence and bullying.

Youth Voice Staff Contact

Marc Fernandes
Youth Development Coordinator
(503) 793-1691

Last reviewed November 27, 2023