Damaged or Destroyed Property

Property taxes may be reduced when property is destroyed or damaged by fire or Act of God or when buildings are removed.

Property taxes may be adjusted for property that is destroyed or damaged by fire or an Act of God, or for demolished or removed buildings.

Additionally, if the event occurred between January 1 and July 1 of the assessment year, you may benefit by applying for reassessment as of July 1.

Use the following links to get additional information and the forms to apply (separate forms are used for each specific scenario, and sometimes, one might benefit from both Proration and Reassessment applications).

For all of the below applications, please include any documentation supporting your claim, such as; photos of the damage, both interior and exterior, fire report, insurance documents, etc.

All of these have deadlines, so please submit applications as soon as you can to ensure they are timely.

For faster processing time and verification of receipt, it is preferred that the application and supporting documentation be submitted via email to dart.special.programs@multco.us.

If you are unable to email, you may mail to:
Multnomah County DART SPG
PO Box 2716
Portland, OR 97208-2716
(Mailing may result in greater overall processing time – please verify two weeks after mailing that we have received what was sent)

Fire or Act of God Proration

This can prorate the taxes for the tax year during which the damage occurred

Information: Fire or Act of God - Tax Proration Explained(link is external)

Application: Proration of Property Taxes Due to Damage by Fire or Act of God(link is external)

Statute: ORS 308.425(link is external)

Reassessment of Damaged or Destroyed Property

If the damage occurs between January 1 and June 30, this can adjust the tax year assessment date from January 1 (prior to the damage) to July 1 (after the damage)

Application: Reassessment of Destroyed or Damaged Property(link is external)

Statute: ORS 308.146(6)(link is external)

Demolished or Removed Building

Application: Reduction of Maximum Assessed Value of Demolished or Removed Buildings(link is external)

Statute: ORS 308.146(8)(link is external)

Last reviewed October 15, 2024