Language Library

This language library contains examples of County solicitations for Services and Goods that have included social and environmental sustainability language and evaluation criteria.

This language library contains examples of County solicitations for Services and Goods that have included social and environmental sustainability language and evaluation criteria. As of February 7, 2011, the County has mandated that proposal procurements (e.g. RFPs) must allocate at least 25% of total evaluation points to sustainability.

Take a look through the language and feel free to use as is, or edit to suit. The Sustainability section is flexible for your purposes, but the Social Equity and Employee Heathcare questions should be used as is; they have been approved for use by the County Attorneys.

Additionally, we have a Glossary of Sustainability Terms that may help you to thinks about items to include in your sustainability considerations.

Questions? Comments? Please email Sustainable Purchasing Coordinator, Shawn Postera, at We appreciate your feedback.

We will add more examples over time, so we encourage you to periodically visit the site for updates.

Also check the following websites for additional "green" specifications/contracts information from other public agencies:
City of Portland


Last reviewed November 27, 2024