Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)
Adult Care Home Program Fiscal Deposit Records (ADS4-001): Documents monthly deposits of all revenue received from license fees and fines. Monthly computer printout includes operator's last name, check number, check amount, deposit date, daily deposit subtotal, and monthly deposit total.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0210(2))
Adult Care Home Program Operator Case File Records (ADS4-002): Documents eligibility of applicant for a license to operate an Adult Care Home. Includes initial applications as well as yearly renewals. File is closed upon expiration of license and closure of home. Includes operator and facility records, warning and sanction reports, protective services report, building inspections, medical releases, references, complaints, correspondence, financial documentation, license applications, sanitation reports, Medicaid contracts, compliance of conditions documents, licenses issued, and other records used to evaluate the suitability of the applicant to operate an Adult Care Home.
Retention: Retain 7 years after case file closed. (2014-0005/014)
Adult Foster Home Contracts (ADS4-003): Documents contract between SPDD and adult foster homes (both aging and disability) to provide care as specified in OAR 411-50-400 to 411-50-490. Original contracts are filed with ADS and pertinent information is sent electronically to SPDD. Contracts must be renewed annually. Contracts show date posted, contract number, contractor name and address, term of contract, provisions, and signatures of contractor and division representative.
Retention: Retain 7 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(7))
Criminal Background Checks Records: Documents The Adult Care Home Program processes requests for background checks from operators, caregivers, Resident Manager, and volunteers who will reside, work or volunteer in Adult Care Homes in Multnomah County to ensure the safety of the residents of these homes. These forms authorizes collection of background information and review of state and federal criminal and abuse records. Records are used as a continual evaluation mechanism and in the regular compliance verification of Adult Care Homes. (2014-005/008)
Retention: a) Contested checks 6 years; b) Uncontested checks 3 years after last action or employee separation, whichever is longer
Test Results Records: Documents tests given to Operators, Resident Managers and caregivers to demonstrate their knowledge in required training areas, including but not limited to Multnomah County Administrative Rules, English proficiency and standard care practices, other tests may be given as appropriate. Records are used in the continual evaluation and compliance for operators, Resident Managers and caregivers. (2014-005/007)
Retention: 3 years
Vacancy List Call-In Log (ADS4-004): Documents client call-ins for placement in adult foster home facilities. Shows date, name and address of caller, phone number, vacancy number and type, and comments.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (2008-0012/013)