Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)
Multidisciplinary Team Review Records (ADS1-003): Documents high risk clients seen by a team including case managers, mental health professionals, nurses and adult protective services investigators. Records include referrals, case notes, background material and related records.
Retention: 10 years (2014-0005/002)
Protective Service Investigation Case Records (ADS1-001(a) and ADS1-001(b)): Records document screenings regarding a client's need for protective services, as required by state law. Records include complaint forms, copies of screening referrals, investigative reports of individuals and of care facilities and investigators' notes. Other records collected during investigation may include legal documents, financial records and medical records. Reports are entered into the State Department of Human Services Oregon Access system or the Web 723.
Retention: ADS1-001(a) Retain reports 20 years; ADS1-001(b) All other records retain 15 years after last activity (2014-0005/001) Updated 07/27/2018
Protective Services Consultation Records (ADS1-002): Documents screened complaints that do not result in an investigation by Protective Services investigators. Records include screening referrals, showing determination by screener that case does not meet adult protective services criteria for investigation.
Retention: Retain 15 years. (45 CFR 164.530(j)) Updated 07/27/2018
Screening Records (ADS1-004): Records document process for determining whether a complaint requires an investigation or not. Records include a log of all complaints, regardless of method received, and screening referral reports. Information includes complainant information, information about the client being referred, description of complaint, date and time of call, person making determination, and outcome of screening decision.
Retention: Retain 15 years. (2014-0005/003) Updated 07/27/2018
Last update: 07/27/2018