Application Support Retention Schedule (DART13)

Application Support Retention Schedule (DART13)

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Annual Tax Certification and Rate Sheets (DART13-001): Record of certified levies collected by each taxing district which was placed on the tax roll and tax rates computed for each tax year. Summarizes taxes levied by property type and levy type. Information may include date, tax rates, levy amounts, offsets, tax losses, percentage of distribution, and related information.
Retention: Retain 6 years. (MOAR 166-150-0015(2))

Computer System Program Documentation (DART13-005): Records document the addition, modification, or removal of software from a computer system. Records usually fall into six categories: 1) records that document operating systems; 2) records that document the in-house creation and modification of application programs; 3) records that document the structure and form of data sets; 4) records that document the use of commercial software packages; 5) records that document the structure of the system; and 6) records that document system-to-system communication. Records may include but are not limited to system overviews, operation logs, job listings, operator instruction manuals, system development logs, system specifications and changes (including narrative and flow chart descriptions), conversion notes, data set logs, data set inventories, data set record layouts, hard copies of tables, data dictionaries, data directories, programming logs, program specifications and changes, record layouts, user views, control program table documentation, program listings, commercial software manuals, and related correspondence and documentation.
Retention: Migration plans: Retain until superseded; system structure records: retain for the life of system; other records: retain 2 years after system superseded. (OAR 166-150-0125(2))

Information System Planning and Development Records (DART13-006): Records document the planning and development of information systems. Although these records typically document computerized information systems, they may also document manual filing systems and microfilm systems. The records are used to insure that planned systems will help the institution fulfill its missions, are cost-effective, conform to adopted information standards, and integrate with existing institution information systems. Records may vary according to the level of documentation required for each system, but may include information technology plans, feasibility studies, cost-benefit analyses, institution studies and surveys, information management project records, system specifications and revisions, software evaluations, component proposals, technical literature, vendor literature and proposals, and correspondence.
Retention: Implemented systems: Retain life of the system; Unimplemented systems: Retain 3 years. (OAR 166-150-0125(8))

Levy and Tax Rate Preparation Reports (DART13-003(a) and DART13-003(b)): Reports and related records used to prepare annual tax levies and to calculate tax rates. Reports include Summary of Assessments and Levies (SAL), rate-making reports, and related reports. All preparation records are maintained in the Assessment & Taxation system.
Retention: DART13-003(a) SAL report: retain 6 years; DART13-003(b) Other records: retain 2 years. (Unscheduled)

Microfilm Quality Control Records (DART13-008): Records document that microfilm produced for the county conforms to the specifications required by Oregon Administrative Rules 166-025-0005 to 166-025-0030. Records may include by are not limited to microfilmed records lists, microfilm reel indexes, service bureau transmittals, film inspection reports, methylene blue certifications, camera/processor/duplicator inspection reports, equipment and operator logs, and correspondence.
Retention: Retain same as related microfilm. (MOAR 166-150-0125(9))

Special Assessment Authorizations (DART13-004): Authorization from taxing districts to assess specified amounts against individual accounts or groups of accounts. Shows district name, type of assessment, justification for assessment, amount assessed, and account(s) included.
Retention: Retain 12 years. (MOAR 166-150-0015(23))

Taxing District Records (DART13-002(a) and DART13-002(b)): Notification to the division from city, fire, school, and other special districts to levy taxes. Includes the Notice of Property Tax and Certification of Intent to Impose a Tax, Fee, Assessment (LB50/ED50), tax rate computations, district budgets, Department of Revenue and Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission correspondence, and related records.
Retention: DART13-002(a) LB50/ED50: retain 12 years; DART13-002(b) Other records: retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0015(28))

User Support Records (DART13-007): Records documenting troubleshooting and problem-solving assistance provided by information systems personnel to users of the systems (computer, telecommunications, etc.) Records may include assistance requests, resolution records, and related documentation. Information may include name of requester, date, time, location, and description of problem and resolution.
Retention: Retain 1 year after system superseded or obsolete. (OAR 166-150-0125(13))

Last reviewed January 4, 2024