Department of County Assets (DCA) General Schedule (DCAGEN)

General records retention schedule for the Department of County Assets

Accounts Payable Records (DCAGEN-014): Records documenting payment of agency bills for general accounts excluding grants. Includes reports, invoices, statements, vouchers, purchase orders, payment authorizations, receipt records, canceled checks or warrants, and similar records.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (OAR 166-150-0110(1))

Accounts Receivable Records (DCAGEN-015): Records documenting revenues owed to the agency by vendors, citizens, organizations, governments, and others to be credited to general accounts excluding grants. Also documents billing and collection of moneys. May include reports, receipts, invoices, awards, logs, lists, summaries, statements, and similar records. Information often includes, receipt amount, date, invoice number, name, account number, account balance, adjustments, and similar data.
Retention: Retain 3 years after collected or deemed uncollectible. (OAR 166-150-0110(2))

Advertising, Promotion, and Public Relations Records (DCAGEN-020): Records used to prepare and produce promotional materials, and to document promotions, advertising campaigns, marketing initiatives and public relations efforts. Records may include event programs and schedules, passes, newsletters, news clippings, paste-ups, drawings, copies of ads, photographs, slides, videotapes, sound recordings, story scripts, posters, brochures, flyers, and correspondence.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (OAR 166-150-0005(3))

Correspondence: Records that: 1. document communications created or received by an agency AND 2. directly relate to an agency program or agency administration AND 3. are not otherwise specified in the County and Special District General Records Retention Schedule (OAR 166-150) or in ORS 192.170. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, and information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel and particular projects or programs.
Disposition: File with the associated program or administrative records. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed. (OAR 166-150-0005(10))

Employee Time & Leave Records (DCAGEN-002): Records documenting hours worked, leave hours accrued, and leave hours taken by department employees. Information usually includes employee name and social security number, hours worked, type and number of leave hours taken, total hours, dates, and related data. Includes applications for leave.
This information is maintained primarily in SAP with a variety of paper and electronic supporting documents.
Retention: Retain 4 years. (OAR 166-150-0155(3) & (6))

Employee Personnel Records (DCAGEN-003(a) and DCAGEN-003(b)): Records document an individual employee’s work history. Records may include but are not limited to applications; notices of appointment; employment applications; training and certification records; records of health limitations; salary schedules; tuition reimbursement records; personnel actions; performance appraisal evaluations; letters of commendation and recommendation; letters of reprimand; notices of disciplinary action; notices of layoff; letters of resignation; home address and telephone disclosures; emergency notification forms; grievance and complaint records; and related correspondence and documentation.
Retention: DCAGEN-003(a) Disciplinary actions: retain 3 years or as specified by union contract; DCAGEN-003(b) All other records: retain 6 years after employee separation. (OAR 166-150-0160(10))

Employment Eligibility Verification Forms (I-9) (DCAGEN-012): Documents department compliance with INS regulations requiring verification of an employee's right to work in the United States. Records include INS form I-9 and copies of related identification documentation. May also include related correspondence. Information includes employee's name and address, employee's signed attestment that s/he is providing true information, employer's signed verification of employee's identification and necessary documentation, and revision information.
Retention: Retain 3 years after date of hire or one year after employment ends, whichever is later. (MOAR 166-150-0160(13); 8 CFR 274a.2)

Grant Records (DCAGEN-016): Records document the application, evaluation, awarding, administration, monitoring, and status of grants in which the agency is the recipient, grantor, allocator, or administrator. Grants may come from federal or state governments or foundations or other funding sources. Records may include but are not limited to applications including project proposals, summaries, objectives, activities, budgets, exhibits, and award notification; grant evaluation records and recommendations concerning grant applications; grant administration records including progress reports, budgets, project objectives, proposals, and summaries; records documenting allocation of funds; contracts; records monitoring project plans and measuring achievement; equipment inventories; financial reports, accounting records, audit reports, expenditure reports, and related correspondence and documentation.
Retention: (a) Retain final reports from significant (as defined by county or special district policy) grants to the county or special district: Permanent (b) Retain records documenting the purchase and/or disposal of real property: 10 years after substantial completion (as defined by ORS 12.135(3)), or 3 years after final disposition, or as specified in agreement, whichever is longer (c) Retain other grant records: 3 years after annual or final expenditure report submitted and approved or, as specified in agreement, whichever is longer (d) Retain unsuccessful grant applications: 1 year after rejection or withdrawal. (OAR 166-150-0110(16))

Personnel Accident Incident Reports (DCAGEN-004): Series used to report employee accidents to program supervisors. Records may include SAIF accident reports, accident reports, occupational injury report and investigation, and employee identification and physical assessment form.
Retention: Retain 10 years after case closed. (OAR 166-150-0200(13))

Policy and Procedures Records (DCAGEN-005(a) and DCAGEN-005(b)): Series documents review, assessment, development, and authorization of the department's formal policies and procedures. Records may include authorizing bulletins and advisories, mission and goal statements, manuals, and final policy statements and directives. Used for new employee orientation and for ongoing reference. Also useful in establishing past policies or procedures in liability cases, personnel disputes, and other instances. This series also includes routine documentation and basic clerical instructional procedures covering such subjects as formatting letters, data entry, telephone etiquette, and others. For records maintained in electronic format, please contact the County Records Management Program for preservation assistance.
Retention: DCAGEN-005(a) Routine clerical manuals: Retain 2 years after superseded or obsolete; DCAGEN-005(b) All other manuals: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0005(26, 27))

Position Description, Classification, and Compensation Records (DCAGEN-011): Records document the description, classification, reclassification, and compensation of agency jobs and positions, a process also known as desk auditing. May include details of duties and responsibilities of each position, time percentage breakdowns of tasks, skills and abilities needed for each position, and related records documenting the development, modification, or redefinition of each job or position. Records include Position Maintenance and Creation Forms (HR-30), reports, job analyses, interview data, selection criteria, authorizations, agreements, and significant related records.
Retention: Retain 3 years after superseded or obsolete. (MOAR 166-150-0160(22))

Professional Membership Records (DCAGEN-006): Records documenting department paid individual memberships and activities in professional organizations.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (OAR 166-150-0005(30))

Recruitment and Selection Records (DCAGEN-013(a) and DCAGEN-013(b)): Records document the recruitment and selection of agency employees. Records may also document the recruitment and selection of contracted service providers such as attorneys, auditors, insurance agents, labor consultants, and others. Records may include but are not limited to job announcements and descriptions, applicant lists, applications and resumes, position advertisement records, civil service and other examination records, classification specifications, affirmative action records, interview questions, interview and application scoring notes, applicant background investigation information, letters of reference, civil service records, position authorization forms, certification of eligibles, recruitment summary records (job announcement, position description, documentation relating to the announcement and test, and test items and rating levels), and related correspondence and documentation.
Retention: DCAGEN-013(a) Retain announcement records, position description, and records documenting creation of test and rating scale 10 years DCAGEN-013(b) Retain unsolicited applications and resumes, unsuccessful applications and other records 3 years. (OAR 166-150-0160(23))

Reports and Studies (DCAGEN-019(a) and DCAGEN-019(b)): Records document reports or studies conducted on the department's programs, services, or projects, compiled by employees, or by consultants under contract. Includes final report distributed either internally or to other entities and the work papers used to compile the report or study. For reports and studies maintained in electronic format, please contact the County Records Management Program for preservation assistance.
Retention: DCAGEN-019(a) Final report: retain permanently; DCAGEN-019(b) Other records: retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(34))

Seminar and Conference Records, Non-Agency Sponsored (DCAGEN-007): Records documenting activities of seminars, conferences, workshops, conventions, and similar gatherings not sponsored by the department but attended by department officials or personnel. May include staff reports, instructional materials, recommendations, related correspondence and memoranda, and similar records.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (OAR 166-150-0005(40))

Seminar and Conference Records, Agency-Sponsored (DCAGEN-008): Records documenting the design and implementation of department sponsored seminars, conferences, workshops, conventions, and similar gatherings. Often includes class descriptions, instructional materials, course outlines, enrollment and attendance records, reports, speeches, planning documentation, and related records.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (OAR 166-150-0005(39))

Staff Meeting Records (DCAGEN-009): Records documenting routine department staff meetings which are not subject to Oregon's Public Meetings Law (ORS 192.610 to 192.710). These meetings deal with tasks and actions within existing policies and procedures. Records may include minutes, notes, reports, and related items. Some records may merit inclusion in other record series with longer retention periods if the subject matter of the meeting adds significant information to that series.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (OAR 166-150-0005(18))

Travel Expense Records (DCAGEN-010): Records documenting requests, authorizations, reimbursements, and other actions related to employee travel. Includes expense reports and receipts, vouchers, requests, authorizations, and related documents. Retention applies to private vehicle usage as well. Information often includes estimated costs, prepayments, final costs, destination, method of transportation, travel dates, approval signatures, and related data.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (OAR 166-150-0110(23))

Last updated: 30 January 2015

Last reviewed January 4, 2024