IT Division Management Records (ISD2)

IT Division Management (ISD2)

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Accounts Payable Records (ISD2-005): Records documenting payment of division bills. Records include invoices, printout including document number, and supporting documentation. Information includes invoice number and amount, receipt document number, purchase order number, document number, approval signature and date, and related information.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(1))

Accounts Receivable Records (ISD2-006): Records documenting revenues owed to the division Also documents billing and collection of moneys. May include reports, receipts, invoices, awards, logs, lists, summaries, statements, and similar records. Information often includes receipt amount, invoice number, name, account number, account balance, adjustments, and similar data.
Retention: Retain 5 years after collected or deemed uncollectible. (MOAR 166-150-0110(2))

Budget Preparation Records (ISD2-012): Records documenting the preparation of division budget requests presented to the department budget office. May include staff reports, budget instructions, worksheets, surveys, allotment reports, spending plans, contingency plans, budget proposals, financial forecasting reports, and similar records.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(8))

Contract Administration Records (ISD2-008): Documents the management of contractor activities and payments for all ISD contracts. Records include expense reports, copies of payment vouchers (including payment memos and invoices), contract approvals, contract amendments, contract review checklist, data entry screens, contract routing form, copy of contract, certificates of insurance, contractor information (bankruptcies, lawsuits, etc), and related correspondence. Also includes bidding records, like copies of bids, prequalification, exemptions, and similar records.
Retention: Retain 10 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(7))

Correspondence: Records that: 1. document communications created or received by an agency AND 2. directly relate to an agency program or agency administration AND 3. are not otherwise specified in the Multnomah County Retention Schedules. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, and information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel and particular projects or programs.
Retention: File with the associated program or administrative records. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed. (OAR 166-150-0005(10)) Updated 01/08/2018

Data Center Access Records (ISD2-014): Documents access to the county's data centers. Records indicate individual's name, and time and date of access and exit.
Retention: Retain 3 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(11a), 0125(3))

Journal Entries (ISD2-007): Used to enter administrative payments and to correct coding errors on payment vouchers. Shows date, original account coding information, correct account coding information, remarks, and initials of accountant.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(23))

Petty Cash Records (ISD2-011): Documents authenticating petty cash purchases and requesting reimbursement from department for petty cash fund. Records include receipts, transaction statements, petty cash form, and memo requesting payment.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(20))

Processing Charges Report (ISD2-002(a) and ISD2-002(b)): Series documents detail charges for computer processing and/or programming provided by the Information Services Division to other departments and programs. It is used as a detail ledger used to support the general ledger. Report shows job description, department/program name, date of charges, rates charged, monthly total, and year-to-date totals.
Retention: ISD2-002(a) Paper copy: retain as needed; ISD2-002(b) Microfiche copy: retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(23))

Software License Agreements (ISD2-009): Records document the use of software in information systems to insure that institution software packages are compatible, that license and copyright provisions are complied with, and that upgrades are obtained in a timely manner. Records may include but are not limited to software purchase records, software inventories, software licenses, site licenses, and correspondence.
Retention: Retain 2 years after software disposed of or upgraded. (MOAR 166-150-0125(11))

Time Records (ISD2-001): Records documenting hours worked, leave hours accrued, and leave hours taken by agency employees. Information usually includes employee name and number, hours worked, type and number of leave hours taken, total hours, dates, and related data.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0155(3))

Travel Expense Records (ISD2-010): Records documenting requests, authorizations, reimbursements, and other actions related to employee travel. Includes travel and training application, payment advance request, expense receipts, mileage reimbursements, per diem worksheets, trip worksheets, related correspondence, and related records.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(24))

Last reviewed June 26, 2024