Labor Relations Retention Schedule (LR3)

Labor Relations Retention Schedule (LR3)

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Complaints & Grievance Process Records (LR3-004): Documents investigation processes carried out in relation to labor contract administration. Includes correspondence, grievances and responses, complaints, filings, arbitration hearing records, hearings materials of evidence, legal briefs, and hearings officer awards.
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0160(3,17))

Correspondence: Records that: 1. document communications created or received by an agency AND 2. directly relate to an agency program or agency administration AND 3. are not otherwise specified in the Multnomah County Retention Schedules. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, and information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel and particular projects or programs.
Retention: File with the associated program or administrative records. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed. (OAR 166-150-0005(10)) Updated 01/05/2018

Drug and Alcohol Testing Reports (LR3-005): Reports of drug and alcohol test results reported by the county's drug testing company. Most testing is random testing for commercial drivers license pool employees and employees fulfilling last chance agreements. Reports show date and pass/fail results for each employee. Individual test results are maintained in individual employee medical records. Also includes related billing records.
Retention: Retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0160(7))

Labor Contract Negotiation and Administration Records (LR3-003): Documents bargaining between the Labor Relations Unit and unions, as well as the administration of labor contracts by the Labor Relations Unit during the terms of the contracts. May include but is not limited to correspondence, exchange proposals, technical papers, bargaining notes and minutes, draft contract proposals, contracts and amendments, memoranda of agreement, understanding or exception, settlement agreements, and related materials.
Retention: Retain permanently. (MOAR 166-150-0160(3)) Updated 01/05/2018

Labor Relations Administrative Records (LR3-001): Documents the administration of the Labor Relations Unit. Includes budget preparation materials, personnel records, financial reports, training files, and related records. Records within this series are primarily duplicate records maintained for convenience purposes.
Retention: Retain 2 years. (MOAR 166-150-0110(13), 0160(24c))

Merit System Civil Service Council Complaint Case Files (LR3-010): Documents individual complaints presented to the MSCSC for resolution. Records include complaint, exhibits and background material related to the complaint, final order (which consists of the relevant pages from the council's minutes containing its decision in a particular case), and related correspondence.
Retention: Retain 3 years after final decision or employee separation, which ever is later. (MOAR 166-150-0160(17))

Merit System Civil Service Council Meeting Records (LR3-011): Documents the regular meeting of the MSCSC and the results of its decisions. The MSCSC meets monthly (if it has business) to review complaints about promotion, hiring, and some (no executive or temporary) non-represented employee disciplinary actions. The council is governed by the county code sections 9.310 through 9.340. Records include minutes, agendas, and audiotapes of the meetings. Information includes members present, meeting date and location, complaint and name(s), evidence presented, and council decisions.
Retention: Minutes: retain permanently; other records: retain 5 years. (MOAR 166-150-0005(17))

Last reviewed January 4, 2024