Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)
Public Guardian Client Cash Receipts Journal (ADS2-004): Documents checks or cash received by or on behalf of clients on a daily basis. Journal indicates client name, and amount and description of monies received. Includes both a database journal (since 1996) and paper printouts.
Retention: Retain 6 years. (45 CFR 164.530(j))
Public Guardian Client Medical Insurance Records (ADS2-003): Documents clients' medical insurance coverage and processing of claims. Includes bills not paid, explanation of benefits forms, certification forms, claims correspondence, statements, and invoices.
Retention: Retain 6 years after last action. (45 CFR 164.530(j))
Public Guardian Client Records (ADS2-001(a) and ADS2-001(b)): Documents services provided by the Public Guardian on behalf of clients, as well as client financial, medical, social, and legal histories during period of guardianship (management of person) or conservatorship (management of assets). Includes client and case management data such as plans, budget and asset information, and medical emergency information; legal documents such as court orders, annual accountings, tax returns, asset inventories, and life insurance policies; financial data on sources of income; medical and psychological records; and related correspondence and status reports. Also includes a full database record including client demographics, case information, associated documents and notes, and tracking information. Cases may include both paper and electronic records.
Retention: ADS2-001(a) PGTrack basic client and case information: retain 20 years after last client action; ADS2-001(b) Other information: retain 7 years after last action. (2014-0005/004)
Public Guardian Client Referral Records (ADS2-002): Documents clients referred to the Public Guardian and not accepted. Can provide a record of the decline of a potential client's welfare and might be used in criminal suits or civil suits against the county. Also may become an active client file. Includes referral forms and notes documenting the outcome of the referral.
Retention: Retain 7 years. (2014-0005/005)