Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

We provide services for people with Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Fetal Alcohol Effects and other intellectual and developmental disabilities.


About Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services

Multnomah County is a case management agency that hires Service Coordinators to provide individually focused care coordination and planning to children and adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities.


Services for Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Our Adult Case Management Team coordinates many services for our enrolled clients, including in-home and day support services, foster and group home referrals, transportation and employment supports.

Services for Children with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Our Children & Young Adult’s Case Management Team coordinates many services for our enrolled clients including: in-home support services, foster care, and transitioning into adulthood.

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Abuse Investigations

Our Abuse Investigations Team investigates allegations of abuse and neglect and coordinates protective services for individuals diagnosed with I/DD who are over 18 years of age.