Public Records Requests
Who to contact about public records requests.
Assessment & Taxation Services
Pay Property Taxes
Pay Multnomah County Property taxes online, by phone, by mail or in person.
Property Records Websites provides Multnomah County property account values and tax information.
Recording and Customer Service
Marriage Licenses
Marriage license applications can be completed online at
Oregon State Domestic Partnership
Oregon's Domestic Partnership system for any couple.
Recorded Documents Website provides information about Multnomah County recorded documents since February of 2002 and is available by subscription only.
County Domestic Partnership
How to become legal domestic partners of either sex in Multnomah County
Passport Applications
How to apply and what you need to bring to apply for a U.S. Passport at Multnomah County.
Tax, Property, Marriage and Military Discharge Records
Recorded Documents Recorded Indices from 1965 to present available in an electronic format. You can use one of our public access terminals in our office to locate, view and print records.
Public Records Requests
Who to contact about public records requests.